Part One- Chapter Six: Sailing Away

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Juliette grit her teeth while steering the boat through the portal. She had not a clue where she would end up, but she hoped for a place where she could run wild and be herself. Water splashed her face as she sailed straight through the portal. It was a lot more difficult than she remembered even though she was in a much smaller ship. Her father's crew really did a lot to help her out. Tear still streaked her face as she cried. She desperately missed Captain Hook. She was truly missing him. It sucked not having him there to help her. She was relieved when the ship popped up out of the portal.

The water seemed calm and serene. This was more like it. Juliette hoped that there would be fish and other creatures she could catch and eat. Captain Hook prepared her well for life alone on the sea. He made sure she was able to cook, clean, and sew while also making her a full pirate. The wind blew through Juliette's hair making her smile widely. While it was very quiet and she enjoyed it, the quiet made her extremely nervous. She was on edge waiting for something to happen.

"Bloody hell, mermaids," she hissed as she felt the ship being attacked.

This is when she wished he had even just one more person on the boat. Juliette quickly realised that she was in worse shape than she predicted as this boat was not armed with a cannon like the Jolly Rodger. Juliette cursed herself for not thinking of that. She could barely make out the shape of an island. She struggled to get all of the sails up. She returned to the wheel as quickly as she could. The mermaids chased her. The ship was being bashed from all sides, and she struggled to keep the ship up right. From the impacts being made on the ship, Juliette knew there would be holes.

She prayed for a strong gust of wind to take her shore quickly. Her prayer was answered as she was pushed towards the island far quicker than she anticipated. She held on to the wheel and closed her eyes in anticipation of crashing. The boat came to sudden stop as it crashed into a large boulder.

Juliette ran grabbed her bags and quickly got off the boat. She tossed her stuff down in the sand and watched the boat that she had just been on slowly sink into the ocean. As it does, she saw the gleaming of tails around it. Juliette knew that she was extremely lucky to be alive having survived a mermaid attack.

Juliette picked up her bags again and quickly checked to make sure she still had her picture tucked in the pocket of her jacket. Once she was sure it was safely put away, she started to walk inland to find some shelter. Juliette knows that she is going to be stuck on this island for a very long time, but has high hopes that this was the place she was wanting.

A/N: This is a very very short chapter, but I felt that it was necessary. I was scared for the Charmings, Hook, and Regina when they fought mermaids in 3x01, so I can't imagine fighting them alone. 😖

Wow. I really can't believe I've update three times in the last two days. High five! ✋🏼

One last thing, is the gif of the mermaids working?

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