Part One: Chapter 13- Birthday

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"Today is Juliette's 17 birthday," Pan announced to the lost boys, "Don't say anything because I planned a surprise party for her tonight. And you know what that means!"


Pan nods and grins. Everyone on Neverland loves to party, and Pan is no exception. He's sure that Juliette will have fun. He wants to make it special for her. Her last few birthdays weren't that great, and he's determined to do one better. He wants to show her that she's found where she belongs. He devised a plan to keep her busy.

"I'm going to get her. Max, you will be taking her along with five other boys of your choice to guard along the coast of the lagoon. When the sun goes down, join us at the training grounds. Oh and make sure not to wish her a happy birthday. I want this to be a surprise," Pan instructed.

"You got it, Pan," Max nodded.

"Good," Pan nodded and flew up to his bed.

"Good morning, Pan," Juliette smiled brightly at him.

"Juliette," he nodded curtly, "I hope you got a good night's rest--you have a busy day ahead of you."

"Oh, uh yeah. I got plenty of sleep," she stuttered, and Pan caught the surprise in his voice.

"It's a special day, ya know," she said as they went to her tent.

"Indeed. This is the day we show the mermaids they aren't welcome on the beach," Pan agreed.

"R-right. Yeah those mermaids need to be put into their places," she agreed.

"Glad to hear you think so. I was going to have you train the boys, but hearing that makes me think that your service would be better used on Max's team guarding the coast," Pan smirked handing her some clothes.

"I-I yeah, guess so. Uhm okay," Pan could tell that she was very surprised and a bit unsure of what to say.

"Good. I will tell Max that you'll be joining him once you're done changing."

"Okay, thanks," Juliette mumbled.

Pan gave a terse nod and walked out. He gathered a group of boys to go decorate with him. He then instructed the rest of the boys to split evenly so some stayed behind to guard camp and the rest patrolled the rest of the island.

He lead his group of boys to the training hollow to began decorating. He was excited though he wouldn't completely show it. Pan really wanted to keep Juliette happy. The happier she was, the more likely she was to stay with him even if her father came here. If, he meant when he decided it was time to summon her family.

The Lost Boys seemed cheerful as they helped Pan out. They all took a liking to Juliette. Not only was she beautiful, but she also fit in great. She was an expert with swords, knives, and hand-to-hand combat, and quickly picked up how to use a bow and arrow. Pan would say that she was one of his elite Lost Ones and someone he trusted.

This was why he was excited for her birthday. It would be the last one she celebrated. Technically her sixteenth birthday was, but seeing as it wasn't very good, Pan wanted to do something special for her.

"Juliette will join you shortly," Pan said to Max.

"Got it," he nodded.

He stood with Max discussing how to keep Juliette away. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her. Keeping her happy was vital to him getting his revenge on the Storybrooke heroes. He was going to make sure Juliette would choose Neverland and her new friends over her father and his friends. 

"Okay. Let's go show the mermaids who's boss," Juliette said walking out of Pan's tent and over to him and Max. 

"Good. Come with me, Juli," Max pushed her towards his group.

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