Part One- Chapter One: Same Old

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Juliette woke up from one of the best dreams she had had in a long time. It was of the seas and travelling with Captain Hook. She sighed and stood up. The now sixteen year old girl was quite bored with Storybrooke. She had head stories of how it used to be full of adventure, but now it's not. There's nothing fun to do. Just the same old day to day routine.

Juliette walked over to her closet and pulled out a red embellished shirt, some dark wash jeans, and her shoes--tall black riding boots. She put on the leather garter she received for her fourteenth birthday. It has a place just on the outside for a dagger. She's worn it everyday since her father gave it to her. She quickly twisted part of her long brown hair before braiding it down. The rest of her brown hair hung down around her shoulders. Only one more thing to do, eyeliner. Juliette laughed thinking that it wasn't her mother--as she never met her mum--who taught her how to apply eyeliner, but her father. She lined her eyes expertly with a few quick flicks of her wrist. She made sure that there weren't any smudges. Juliette smirked as she looked at her eyes knowing they were an exact copy of her father's. One last look in the mirror, and Juliette was ready for another boring day.

"Morning, Juliette," Emma smiled from her place at the stove making breakfast for them all.

"Hi, Emma," Juliette said sitting down at the breakfast bar in between Henry and Hook.

"Still dressing like a pirate, I see," Henry scoffed.

"Still condescending, I hear," she snapped back.

"Juli," Killian warned.

"Henry, be nice," Emma chastised.

"Have your dagger, lass?" Killian leaned over and kissed Juli's temple.

"Of course. Right- Hey! Give that back!" Juliette jumped up. Henry had taken her dagger and was running away with it.

"Henry, give Juliette her dagger back," Emma sighed setting out plates of food.

"Give! My! Dagger! BACK!" Juliette yelled and tackled Henry to the ground.

"Juliette!" Killian groaned walking over to the where they were fighting.

"This isn't yours," Juliette snapped taking it back and standing up. She looked it over to make sure it wasn't scratched. She quickly shined the blade before tucking it back into the sheath.

"Juli, this isn't the Jolly Rodger. You can't just tackle people," Killian lightly scolded as he sat in between her and Henry.

"Even pirates know better than to take a person'a dagger, Dad!" Juliette said exasperatedly.

"Well you're in Storybrooke now. No more pirating," Henry smirked.

"I will always be a pirate. This life is so boring. Dad, how are you able to tolerate this?!"

"I'm slowly adjusting. I wasn't always a pirate, remember?" Killian said

"Of corse. You and Uncle Liam worked for the King on the Jewel of the Realm."

"Before that we lived in a small village. It was the first thing I ever knew."

"My first memories are of the Jolly Rodger. I miss her, Dad."

"I miss her too, love. She was a good ship," Killian rubbed her shoulder.

"Aye, she was," Juliette nodded.

"Mom, I'm going to be late to school!" Henry stood up.

"And I need to get to work. Juli, can you please walk Henry to bus?"

"I don't need an escort there!" Henry protested.

"He's thirteen! Why does he need me to walk with him?" Juliette added.

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