Part One- Chapter Ten: You Don't Cross Pan

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Juliette woke up in the middle of the night to yelling and screaming. She sat up and looked down at the camp from her spot in Pan's bed. She could see the Lost Boys cowering except for one. Pan stood in the middle of the camp tall and regal in the moonlight. He was slightly shimmering from the last remnants of pixie dust on his clothes. The rain that was starting to come down made him look even more dangerous. Juliette gulped watching. He used magic to light several torches. Much to Juliette's surprise, they didn't burn out in the rain, they got brighter.

"You stole from me," Pan snarled to Jacob, "You stole pixie dust and the compass."

Juliette's eyes widened. Pan was the only one to use the pixie dust. She had heard about the compass from the other lost boys. The compass was made out of gold and would help you find anyone or lead you to safety. It was one of Pan's most prized possessions having taken it from the Charmings. When Juliette heard that he had swapped the real one with a fake, she laughed. She had seen the fake one the Charmings had. it was one of their prized possessions. She also knew that if the real one ever went missing, there would be havoc on the island.

Pan wasn't one to deal with thieves among his group of Lost Ones. He demanded the highest respect of his boys. It was funny. Respect and fear were basically the same thing when it came to Pan. Juliette was always sure to be cautious and not do anything that would put her on his radar. She was fully aware that he was constantly watching her even when she laid low and did everything she was told to do. She figured that since she was a girl on Neverland, she would have the eyes on her.

She couldn't hear what was being said over the rain that was now pouring down and the thunder that cracked every few minutes, but she didn't need to be able to hear any of it to know that Pan was pissed. Juliette bit her lip and watched feeling a cold sense of dread settling in. She was worried about what would happen. Juliette watched as everyone cowered down. She knew Pan was yelling. In her two and a half months in Neverland, she had never seen him this mad.

Juliette gasped as she watched Pan stick his hand into Jacob's chest. Her stomach dropped as he pulled out a glowing red heart. She had heard that Regina, Emma, Mr. Gold, and even her own father had done it before, but this was her first time actually seeing it done. Juliette prayed that Pan would just control Jacob with his heart. She really shouldn't be saying just since it was a terrible fate be a slave to someone like Pan, but it would be far worse to see your own heart crushed in front of you.

Juliette's worst fears were confirmed when she saw Jacob clutching his chest. She looked at Pan who was squeezing the heart with a devilish look on his face. She slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from crying out in horror as Pan opened his hand letting grey dust fall to the ground. Jacob dropped to the ground in front of Pan dead. Pan glared around looking at the Lost Boys. She could see them literally shrinking away. Not that she could blame them, she was cowering as well from her spot in his bed.

She started shaking when he sprinkled pixie dust over himself and floated up towards where she was. He sat down on the edge of the bed where she was. He sat down on the edge of the bed and used magic to strip. Juliette let out a small squeak and covered her eyes. To her dismay, she felt him crawling under the blankets with her. She moved away from him towards the other edge of the bed without unbalancing it. She was tense and grateful that she decided to keep a dagger on her. Juliette knew that she wouldn't be getting any sleep for the rest of the night.

Pan didn't say anything as he laid there. Juliette was appreciative since she didn't want to discuss it with him. She turned over on her side so she had her back to him. She clutched her dagger in her hand tightly. She hoped she wouldn't have to use it as it wouldn't end well for her, but she felt better to have some kind of protection.

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