Part One- Chapter Seven: Face to Face

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Pan took a sharp breath as a wave washed over him. Someone new was on the island. Max immediately tensed up next to him knowing that there would be a new lost boy soon. Pan smirked and stood up to go collect the new recruit. He felt an unusual tug telling him that this wasn't any ordinary lost boy--this one would be special.

"I'll be back. Make sure the camp doesn't burn down or anything."

"As you wish, Pan," Max nodded.

Pan trusted Mac a lot. He was a bit like a new Felix. Pan missed Felix every day. He regretted killing the person he loved the most without being able to reap the benefits of the curse. He was pissed when his plan failed, but was grateful to get another chance. Little did anyone know that he was able to go back to Neverland after Baelfire and Belle brought Rumplestilitskin back from the dead. He had been slowly rebuilding his army of unloved lost boys, and Pan was getting closer and closer to his goal of being able to finally exact revenge on everyone. When Pan was reborn, so was his shadow. He had his ally back and was preparing to reek havoc on everyone who had destroyed his first chance.

Pan walked towards the beach he figured the new lost boy would be at. He searched the area confused that there wasn't a person. He climbed a tree to get a better view of the area. He was looking in the forest when he noticed a ship not too far off of the shore.

It was being battered by mermaids. Pan shook his head knowing that this was the new person. The ship's sails were all let down to gain more speed. In the blink of an eye, after catching a large gust of wind, the ship was hurtling towards land. It crashed into one of the large boulders. He watched as the person grabbed his bags and ran off the ship and run towards land. His eyes widen in surprise when he realised the new lost boy was actually a girl. Pan was intrigued as girls didn't come here. He was interested in meeting this girl though. He knew she must be special.

Pan watched as she tossed her bags in the sand and turned to watch her ship sink into the Never Sea. He saw gleaming tails around it and snarled. Mermaids happened to be one of Pan's least favourite things. He spied on her pulling out a picture from her jacket pocket. She looked it over before tucking it back in her inside pocket. The girl picked up her bags and headed towards the forest. Pan quickly scaled back down the tree. He went and leaned against a tree anticipating her.

"A girl, hm? Well this certainly is a new experience for me," Pan said as she walked closer.

"Who are you?" She asked pulling out a dagger from a leather garter on her left thigh. She held it in front of her and narrowed her eyes.

"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan," he smirked. He watched realisation spark in her eyes as she kept a neutral, non-threatening look on her face.

"You don't look like the bloody demon I've heard about," she commented.

Pan frowned. Not many people called him that. He squinted and looked the girl over. She had on black leather pants, a loose red shirt tightened around her waist with a corset, a black leather jacket, and tall black boots. Her long brown hair flowed down around her face. The top was pulled away from her eyes. A few strands throughout are braided and held in place with different coloured leather strips.

The most interesting and prominent feature on the girl were her eyes. They were piercing. A, what Pan considered, stunning blue grey. It all clicked for Pan at the moment he looked into her eyes. He had seen those eyes before. The way she dressed was the sure sign of a pirate. Pan only knew of one pirate with eyes in such a colour--Captain Hook. There was no doubt about it, this was Captain Hook's daughter.

"You look familiar. Have you been here before?" He asked knowing the answer. She had been here on the Jolly Rodger a long time ago. She had been the one to sail the Jolly Rodger away once Hook and a few pirates took dreamshade. He never got the chance to meet her then and now knew why. She was meant to come back to join him at a later time.

"A long time ago. I recognise this place now--Neverland. I can't believe I didn't quicker. I never thought I would end up here again," she said earnestly looking around.

"Yes how did you get here?" Pan asked.

"It's a long story," she sighed.

"Well this is Neverland. We never grow up, and we have all the time in the world for you to explain."

"I was miserable not being on the seas. I hated that every day was the same--nothing new. I needed adventure. I stole a ship and a magic bean. I wanted to go to a place o could be crazy and run wild, and now I'm here so I guess it worked," she explained.

"Miserable? Where were you miserable?"

"Quaint little town called Storybrooke," she rolled her eyes.

"Wasn't for you?" He asked knowing that she was going to be an important pawn piece for his plans to exact revenge.

"Not at all. It's so quiet and nothing ever happens. People there talk about all the villains they faced, but nothing happens anymore. I need adventure."

"Then you came to the right place. Neverland is full of adventures," he smirked.

"Good. I need that," she said narrowing his eyes.

"You said you were here before?"

"I think. Briefly," she hedged, and he walked closer noticing her hesitation.

"Not enough if you didn't meet me. Anyways let's get you back to camp. You aren't going anywhere."

"You locking me up?" She guessed.

"Only if you give me a reason to," he leaned in and smirked, "Now follow me."

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