Part One- Chapter Five: No Other Option

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Juliette sighed as she made sure she had what she wanted in her bags. She bit her lip as she pulled out a picture of Captain Hook and herself out from her pocket. Ever since she arrived in Storybrooke, it's been her favourite thing--a reminder of how life used to be. Just Captain Hook, herself, and the crew sailing the high seas. She leaves the picture on her dresser as she starts to write a couple of notes--one to her father and one to Robin Hood.


I'm glad I was able to come meet you again. I certainly missed you when I was sailing the Eastern coast. It gets lonely when it's just you, the ship, and open waters. I was thrilled when you contacted me and asked if I would join you in Storybrooke. I didn't even need to think about it. Of course I would join you. We're a family, and a family should be together.

Storybrooke isn't at all what I thought it would be, and neither are you. Everyone here calls you Killian. That's not the father I remember. The father I remember is Captain Hook, the most feared pirate to sail the realms. I dreamed about meeting you here in Storybrooke. I was excited for things to get back to the way they used to, but it never could because it's very quaint and quiet in Storybrooke. Not much has happened while I've been here. You all tell grand stories of the Wicked Witch, the Snow Queen, and the Queens of Darkness. I know you wanted me to be safe and that's the reason I wasn't sent for sooner. But that sounds like a lot of fun. I like the idea of there being danger and unexpected twists and turns. That sounds a lot like how it used to be on the Jolly Rodger.

I miss that. I miss hearing the ocean as I fall asleep. One of my fondest memories is of listening to the ocean waves hit the side of the boat as I fell asleep in my half of the captain's quarters. I miss that life, Daddy. I miss being a pirate. I could tell that you did too when we were sailing. Going sailing made me think of something Robin Hood told me. He told me to do what I do best--get a boat and sail around.

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do. By the time you read this, I will be on the open waters far away from here. I hate the idea of being apart from you, but I see no other option if I want to be happy. I've tried so hard to be happy in Storybrooke; I really really have, Daddy. I wanted to be happy so we could be together again, but I'm not. I can't pretend to be happy. You wouldn't want me to do that. That's not how you raised me. You told me to be true to myself and to do what makes me happy. I see no other option than leaving if I want to be true to myself and to be happy.

It's with a heavy heart that I am writing you this letter. I sincerely hope you are able to have a happy ending with Emma and Henry. If you do have another child with Emma, I beg of you not to forget about me. I hope you are able to be happy here in Storybrooke the way I wasn't. There isn't a day that will go by that I won't think of you, Daddy.

Love always,

Juliette Michelle Jones, the proud daughter of Captain Hook

Juliette put the picture of the two of them together on the Jolly Rodger behind the wheel aside. She felt it necessary to write a letter to Robin Hood as well since he has been willing to listen and try to help her be happy in Storybrooke. Even if she wasn't able to, she wants to thank him for trying to make her happier.

Robin Hood,

I would like to sincerely thank you for everything you've done for me. You were always one of the nicest people I talked to here in Storybrooke. When I was first introduced to you, I liked you. You looked at me with these warm kind eyes. You always have them. You're always so nice to me.

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