Part One- Chapter Two: Robin Hood's Advice

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Juliette sighed sitting in the booth at Granny's as they celebrated Henry's birthday. Everyone seemed to be in a celebratory mood. Watching her dad with Henry made her feel sad. While Killian was off with the Charmings and everyone fighting the Wicked Witch and all the other bad guys, Juliette had been sailing up and down the East coast. She's tried to settle down, but she just can't get used to the small town life. While she was sailing, she celebrated her sixteenth birthday alone. It seemed like her father completely forgot.

She sat there looking at her mug of coffee. She looked around and ran her fingers through her hair with a heavy sigh. She knows that her relationship with her father and well, everyone besides Robin Hood and Regina, isn't very good right now. She quietly sang happy birthday with everyone else. She thanked Regina for the cake and returned to her booth in the corner. Juliette blinked several times trying not to cry as she looked at the cake.

"Why so glum, chum?" Killian sat down across from her.

"Nothing, Dad," she mumbled.

"Juliette Michelle Jones, I'm your father. I can tell something is wrong."

"Daddy, what has been the best day of your life so far?"

"While it sucked to loose Emma to the darkness, I'd have to say the day Emma told me she loved me," Hooks answer caused Juliette to break down crying, "Juli, love. Come on, tell me what's wrong. Why are you crying?"

"I doubt you remember, but when I used to ask you the same question years ago, you'd say May 29, 1999--the day I was born. You forgot my sixteenth birthday! Yeah I wasn't here, but I thought at least my father would remember when he called me to join him in this stupid town!" She yelled through her tears, "I waited for five months for you to remember, and you never did! I just stopped waiting because it wasn't worth it. Maybe next year you'll remember your blood child's birthday in addition to your favourite child!"

"Juli, I-"

"Save it!" Juliette cut Killian off before storming out. She slammed the door shut behind her leaving everyone in complete and total shock.

* * * * *

Robin Hood sighed as he watched Juliette run out of Henry's birthday party. He knew this had been a long time coming. Robin befriended Juli when she arrived noticing that she needed a bit of adventure. He listened to her concerns about coming to Storybrooke; he also listened to her vent about her fears and her fading relationship with her father.

"Killian? Are you okay?" Emma asked laying a hand on his arm.

"No. She's right. I forgot about my own daughter's birthday. Her sixteenth one at that. I'm a terrible dad," Killian said sadly.

"No you're not. You've done a great job with her and Henry," Mary Margaret said.

"With Henry, but I don't even know my own daughter anymore," he argued, "I need to go talk to her."

"I wouldn't mate," Robin piped up.

"Why's that?" Killian fixated Robin with a glare.

"She's clearly very upset. Let me try. I've listened to Juliette plenty of times. I know where she's going. We connected a bit."

"Okay. Thank you," Hook conceded with a nod.

Robin nodded and ran out of the restaurant. He headed to the lighthouse which is where he knew Juliette would be. He shook his head and shielded his face from the rain. He looked up at the lighthouse and carefully walked on the rocks before sitting down next to the crying girl. Robin gently put his arm around Juli's shoulders.

"I'm betting that you need someone to talk to," Robin started, "If not, then we can just sit here and watch the water."

"I feel bad. I feel like a ruined Henry's birthday. That was really selfish of me, but I can't help how I feel. I'm not happy here, Robin, and you're the only one who understands. You're the only person who's ever listened to me. I miss the Jolly Rodger. I miss how close my father and I used to be. I miss being a pirate. I miss Captain Hook. Everyone here calls him Killian. I never knew Killian. Killian is not my father--Hook is," Juliette wiped her tears away which are quickly replaced with more tears and rain drops.

"It wasn't selfish. You've had these feelings bottled up for the last five months and probably before that. I can understand where you're coming from. You're home is a ship and running wild. The life I'm accustomed to is in a forest stealing, and now I'm living in a mansion with Regina and my son. Something I found to be helpful is being able to slip back into what I know and enjoy. I still go out hunting everyday with the Merry Men. You knew that because you've come a few times," Robin said.

"So you think I should do what makes me happy?" Juliette looked over at him.

"I do. I think you need to do what makes you feel good. Maybe you should do what you do best--pirate a boat and sail around. You need to be a pirate again and run wild before you can think about being happy here."

"I think that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Robin."

"Of course. You can come hunting with the Merry Men and I again," Robin offered.

"I'd like that," Juliette smiled, "Thank you, Robin. You always know just what to say."

"I try hard to learn from my mistakes. Now, how about we get you back to your place. You're freezing."

Juliette nodded, and they both stood up. As they walked on the rocks, they were careful not fall on the slick rocks. The two made it back to the main road and headed towards the apartment that Juliette had been staying in with Emma and Hook. She pulled her jacket tighter around her as the wind howled around them. Robin held open the door for Juliette at the complex.

"After you m'lady."

"Thanks," Juli said shivering.

"Sure thing. Have a good night. Meet you at the edge of the forest by the town line tomorrow, say high noon?" Robin asked raising an eyebrow.

"That sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow," Juli turned and gave him a hug.

"Tomorrow," Robin gave her a warm smile.

Robin watched as Juliette walked into the apartment. He made sure she was okay before he headed back outside. He ran back to Granny's Diner knowing Killian would be anxious to know how his daughter was. Robin hoped that his talk helped Juliette. He remembered how happy she was when she had first arrived. He wanted her to be like that again. He opened the door to the diner and walked in.

"Is she alright?" Killian walked over immediately.

"She's sad and upset. I talked to her showed her back to your place. I'm going hunting with her tomorrow," Robin explained.

"What did she say? About me and us?" Killian's eyes are clouded with tears.

"She misses you, and your old life together. She wants Captain Hook back," Robin admits.

"Captain Hook could be a monster," Killian mumbled.

"That's all Juliette ever knew. She never knew Killian. You left her as Captain Hook, and you're now back as Killian. That's a hard adjustment," Robin tried to explain, "I told her to get back in touch with her pirate side and go sailing. I know you took Henry sailing. Now go sailing with your daughter. She misses you."

"Thank you, Robin," Killian said with a small smile before running out.

"You think this can be fixed?" Regina asked, taking his hand.

"Potentially. I certainly hope so," Robin replied, "I guess time will only tell."

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