Part One- Chapter Three: Merry Men

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Juliette woke up and looked over at her clock. It read 6:17. She would typically up by now, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with with Killian, Emma, or Henry right now. She rolled over to fall asleep again. She was able to hear everyone down stairs talking. Juliette heard the stair creaking and slowed down her breathing to fake being asleep still.

"Is she still asleep, Swan?" she heard her dad ask.

"Seems like it."

"I feel really bad. I'm trying so hard, and I know she's trying too. I didn't think the transition would be this hard for her," Killian said, and Juliette could just imagine him running his fingers through his hair.

"Don't worry. She'll come around. How about we go get breakfast?"

"Okay. I'll write a quick note to Juliette," Killian's voice carried through the door as he closed it.

Juliette smiled into her pillow. She closed her eyes wanting to fall asleep again. She listened to the sounds of the small apartment. There wasn't much. Juliette missed the sound of the ocean twenty four seven. She slowly fell asleep again after setting an alarm for 11:15. While she slept, she dreamed of the open seas. She was disappointed when she woke up.

She sighed but smiled when she remembered that she was going to run around in the forest. Juliette walked over to her closet and looked for clothes that would be good for hunting. She decided on some black leggings, a long sleeve shirt, and a leather jacket. She quickly dressed and tugged on her boots. Juliette braids the front part of her hair across her head and down. She ties it in place with a piece of leather before wrapping the strip of fabric down the rest of the length of the hair section. She bands a few more chunks with a few other pieces.

Once Juliette is done, she walks down stairs. The apartment is completely empty except for her. She sighs heavily at the silence. It's something that she had gotten very used to having been on the open seas by herself for so long. Juliette quickly fixes herself breakfast. She finishes it and goes out the window to meet Robin and the Merry Men.

She ran down the streets zipping up her jacket as she went. The cold air swirled in her lungs as she ran to meet Robin Hood. She was excited to go hunting. When she was able to run wild with the Merry Men, Juliette was able to forget all that had happened--that was the only time she felt good. She ran to the woods and snuck up behind Little John. She tapped his shoulder and then moved behind him after he had turned around

"Boo," she said in his ear.

"Damn it, Juli! You know I hate when your sneak up on me!"

"Which is why I do it," Juliette laughed.

"Good marrow, m'lady," Robin walked over and gave Juliette a tight hug.

"Good marrow, Robin," Juliette said happily as she hugged her only friend in Storybrooke.

"Ready for a good day's hunting?"

"I am. Let's go!"

* * * * *

Robin smiled as Juliette ran deep into the woods having caught a glimpse of something. She had been very successful at hunting today. She had already brought down several birds and a couple of squirrels. He hoped that she was feeling happier than she was yesterday. She certainly seemed to be in higher spirits than she was yesterday.

"There! Wild turkey!" Little John pointed out.

"Don't bother," Friar Tuck said pointing to Juliette.

"What?" Little John asked.

"Look what the Jones lady brought down," Friar Tuck said.

"Showed up by a young lady," Robin Hood chuckled, "Nice deer, m'lady."

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