Part One- Chapter Nine: Plans

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Juliette woke up in Pan's suspended bed. Even after more than a month of being a Lost Girl, Pan was still unsure what to do, so Juliette kept sleeping in his bed. She felt guilty and like she was invading his space. She carefully sat up and stretched. Juliette rubbed her blue eyes to get rid of any sleep left. She rolled her right wrist to get it to stop being so sore. She had slept with it curled under her chin; a bad decision as it now ached whenever she moved it.

"Good. You're up," Pan announced floating next to the bed.

"Yes," Juliette nodded not making eye contact.

"You can change in my tent and then we have a training day."

Juliette nodded as Pan wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly as he brought her to his tent. He closed the flap and stood guard outside it like usual. She looked at the clothes laid out--a pair of dark grey skinny jeans, a green t-shirt, and a pair of tall boots. Juliette quickly stripped and started changing. Once she was dressed, she started on her hair. She did a partial lace braid back before letting the rest of the braid fall down the side of her head.

She took a deep breath as she started to place her weapons-- on her thigh and her sword attached to her belt. She took a deep breath and walked outside. She squirmed slightly uncomfortable with how Pan looked at her. He had his signature smirk plastered on his face complimented by a mean glint in his eyes. She could tell his eyes were raking her over. Juliette still wasn't used to it. It made her feel like a piece of meat; however, she knew she couldn't retaliate without risking being hurt as such had happened only a week and a half earlier.

Juliette bit her lip trying to hold back the tears. She was being dragged on a patrol even though Max had stabbed her thigh earlier, and she could barely walk. She knew that the patrol was getting tired of her lagging behind. Junior and Curtis eventually came over to her and just dragged her back to camp. When they arrived there, the two lost boys threw her in a pile in front of where Pan was sitting.

Juli sniffled looking at the wound which had started to ooze blood again. She let out a small whimper. She wanted to cover it and apply pressure, but was terrified to get dirt in the wound and cause an infection. She bit back a few tears and slowly sat up.

As much as Juliette didn't want to, she knew she would eventually have to ask Pan to heal her if she was going to continue on with her duties. Juli knew she would have to sacrifice some of her pride. Pan wouldn't just help her. He would make her beg for it. When she looked over her shoulder at Pan, she saw him staring at her with contempt and amusement. She slowly crawled over to him.

"Please?" She mumbled.

"Please what?" Pan smirked.

"Can you please heal me?" She bit her lip, knowing how weak she must look to him.

"Why do you need your leg healed, lost girl?"

"I didn't listen to Max."

"What won't you do next time?" Pan's voice inflection made her feel like a child being scolded.

"I won't protest against or ignore the older lost boys when they tell me to do something," she said.

"You'll be what?" Pan grabbed her chin roughly and lifted her face up so he was staring into her eyes.

"Obedient," she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Good," he smirked.

Pan pulled Juliette in between his legs. She felt very uncomfortable in their position. She looked down and he waved his hand over her wound. It slowly stopped bleeding, healed, and scarred. She squeaked when he tore open her pants bit more.

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