Part One- Chapter Four: Repairing Bridges

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Killian was sitting on the couch in the apartment's living room. He was waiting for Juliette to come down the stairs. He had planned to spend the day with Juliette. He was hoping to repair some of the burned bridges between them. He smiled when he saw Juliette walk down the stairs. She looked the part of a pirate--tight black leather pants, a burgundy shirt with a corset, tall boots, with a long black leather jacket slung over her arm.

"Well look at you. Don't you look the part of a pirate captain's daughter," he smirked walk over to her.

"One of us has to stay connected to the seas," Juliette said.

"A day spent go by where I don't miss the freedom offered by sailing the waters."

"Right," Juliette frowned making Killian sigh.

"I know you don't believe me but you should. Juli, I was a pirate a lot longer than you. Of course I miss it."

"You had another life before being a pirate. That's all I've ever known. I know I lived with my birth mother for a few months, but my first memories are of sailing the seas with my daddy on the Jolly Rodger."

"Those are some of my favourite memories too."

"More than Emma saying she loved you?" Juliette looked at Killian with hurt all through her eyes.

"Of course. You're my little girl. You mean the world to me. I would do anything to keep you happy."

"Then let's go back, Dad. I want my home back. I want the Jolly Rodger."

"Juli, you know that's impossible. We can't get back to the Enchanted Forest. The only portals are from magic beans which the fairies have."

"We've sailed through magic bean portals before. You have, and I have. We can go pirate a bean from them and then leave together, Dad!"

"Juliette we are not stealing from the fairies," Killian said hardly.

"It's not stealing. You taught me that," Juliette folded her arms.

"I can't just leave this life and magically turn back into a pirate. It's not that easy," Killian tried to explain.

"I'm guessing I'll be the one sailing then," Juliette huffed.

"I can still sail, Juli. I haven't forgotten that," he smirked.

"Whatever," Juliette muttered and walked out of the apartment while tugging on her jacket.

Killian hurried to keep up with Juliette's pace towards Main Street. He waved to David who was taking Neal out on a walk with Snow. Juliette was moving surprisingly quickly considering how heavy her leather jacket could be. Killian shook his head and jogged to catch up to her. She was headed towards the docks. He caught up and panted as he tried to keep up.

"You're out of shape," Juliette said critically.

"And you're bloody not?" He puffed.

"Nope. I go running every day," Juliette responded.


"Yeah. I don't just sit around the flat all day. I would go insane. You know I have to be doing something all the time," Juliette gave Killian a look that made him cringe.

"I do know. I also know that you don't like to run, so that surprises me," he tried to fix his previous statement.

"Well I took it up when you were all in Neverland fighting Pan, because I didn't have the Jolly Rodger or another ship to sail on. I'm a pretty good runner now," Killian detected some bitterness in her voice.

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