Part One- Chapter Eight: New Places

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Pan lead Juliette to camp. He half expected the girl to run away. He was surprised that she followed him. She was definitely going to be someone of interest. Pan smirked to as he looked back at Juliette. He felt so powerful to have Captain Hook's daughter on his island. Pan knew that she would have expert swordsmanship--as if Hook wouldn't train his daughter to be the perfect fighter. Juliette was obediently following him back to camp.

"Boys!" Pan yelled, and everyone came running from different parts of the camp to gather around him.

"Who's that?"

"Girls can come here too?"

"What is a girl doing here?"

"She's kinda hot."

"AHEM!" Pan glared around the circle of boys, "This is Juliette. She's new here. I expect you to be welcoming. Max!"

"Yes, Pan?"

"Take two boys and get another tent ready. The rest of you can go back to doing what you previously were doing," Pan instructed.

"Can we say hi to Juliette?"

"Tomorrow. Our new friend has had a busy night," Pan nodded sensing the fatigue radiating off of Juliette's aura.

The Lost Boys slunk away to return to what they had originally been doing. Pan looked over at Juliette who curiously looking around. Pan didn't want Juliette sleeping in a tent where any lost boys could go in. He could tell that the older of the Lost boys were interested in Juliette which made him a bit nervous. In order to keep Juliette as an asset, Pan knew he needed to control her. He needed to make her fear him while maintaining some sort of respect. He roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her slightly towards him. She glared at him and pulled out her dagger. She held it out towards him.

"Don't touch me!" Juliette hissed.

Pan chuckled and grabbed her dagger; he whipped around and held the dagger to her throat. He heard her gasp slightly. He was pleased that she stood still and didn't struggle. His pleasure turned to shock when he was stabbed in the hand. He stumbled back and healed the damaged bones, nerves, and skin, grateful for his magic. Pan looked up at her in shock. He quickly recovered and smirked. The pirate now held a dagger in each hand, one bloodied.

"Keeping an extra dagger on you--smart," Pan noted.

"A compliment from the great Peter Pan after being caught off guard?"

"Peter Pan never fails, lass. This was merely a test to see what you would do. I'm not disappointed, so keeping an extra weapon on you is an old pirate trick I would assume."

"Always have more than one weapon on you is the first thing a pirate learns."

"Where all do you keep your concealed weapons?"

"An essential part of being a pirate is secrecy. That's for me to know, and you to wonder about," Pan frowns at her answer.

"You look tired. Are you tired?" He abruptly changes the subject.

"Why are you planning on raping or molesting me?"

Pan chuckled, "You've got fire. I like fire," he backed her up against a tree. He heard her breath hitch in her throat.

"You are planning on one of the two. Given your nasty reputation and how you locked Wendy up, I'm going with the former. You're planning on raping me, aren't you?"

"Why would I do that  where I have much more interesting plans for you? You're very special, Juliette. You're the first girl to come to Neverland because you feel unloved. No, I'm not going to rape or molest you. I plan on using your skills to my benefit. It'd be wise of you to comply or I will break you," Pan leaned down and peeled his lip back in an animalistic snarl.

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