The Baddest Nightmare

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It's later that night and you and Patrick are lying in bed. He pulls you close to him and starts placing gentle kisses on your neck. You blush and roll over to face him, pushing his hair out of his face.

"You don't know how much I miss sleeping beside you while I'm away," He whispers, looking into your eyes and smiling, "No matter how many times I've done it, I'll never get used to how lonely it is."

"It's even lonelier sleeping in a king size bed alone," You retort, "At least you have your friends to keep you company. All I've got is an antisocial teenage boy and an overly eager four year old girl."

"Yeah, but you love them and wouldn't want it any other way, just like I love you." He leans in and presses his lips against yours. You melt into the kiss, pulling him closer.

He climbs up on top of you and rips his shirt off. You smirk as he dives back in, connecting his lips with yours once again, slipping his hands underneath your shirt.

Your breathing picks up as the two of you start getting into it, but before anything can really happen, you hear a faint, "Mommy?"

You and Patrick pull out of the kiss and turn your heads to see your daughter standing in your bedroom doorway, holding tightly onto a teddy bear with tears streaking her cheeks.

You sit up, your husband rolling off of you. "Yeah, Gabby?"

Patrick heaves a sigh and turns his head to the side.

Your daughter sniffles and runs up to you, climbing on the bed and slinging her arms around your neck, sobbing into your bare shoulder, "I-I-I had the baddest nightmare, Mommy."

You rub her back comfortingly and try to calm her down, "Shh, Gabby, it's going to be okay. It was just a nightmare. It's not real."

"But...But it felt real, Mommy!" She cries, "You and Daddy were fighting a-and then you...then you took Ethan and Daddy took me and I didn't see you for a really long time and...Mommy, I don't want to be away from you or Ethan!" She hugs you tighter as she begins to sob even harder than before.

"Gabby, me and Daddy would never separate you and Ethan," You reassure her, starting to rock her back and forth, "Not now, not in a million years, not ever."

"You promise?"

You lean back and look into her glistening brownish green eyes, ones that look almost like her father's. "I promise," You say with as much conviction as you can muster. You glance over at Patrick and he sits up.

"Y-Yeah, I promise too," He tells her, nodding his head and rubbing her back.

Gabby rubs her red eyes, sniffling, "Can I sleep with you tonight, Mommy? In case I have another nightmare?"

You bite your lip and look over at Patrick who meets your gaze. He shakes his head no, wanting to finish what the two of you had started, but you can't say no to your daughter. "Sure, sweetheart." Patrick rolls his eyes and lies back down. "Just wait out in the hallway so Mommy and Daddy can get their PJs on, okay?" She nods her head and scurries out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Patrick groans and covers his face. "Why does she need to sleep with us? She's four years old."

"Four and a half," You correct him, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and getting up to pick up your discarded clothes

"Sorry, four and a half. She's four and a half years old, shouldn't she be sleeping on her own?"

You slip into a pair of black boy shorts which you pair with a gray t-shirt. "She had a nightmare, Patrick. If sleeping with us makes her feel better, then so be it."

"But we haven't-"

"I know," You interrupt him, throwing him a t-shirt and boxers, "But we can do it later. We have the rest of our lives. But our daughter's only four for another six months. Letting her sleep with us one night won't kill us."

He heaves a sigh, "Excuse me for wanting to sleep with my wife after being away from her for a year."

You glare at him before opening the bedroom door and letting your daughter back in. She races up to the bed, her blanket she's had since a baby trailing behind her, and climbs up on it, curling up beside her dad and smiling at him. He can't help but smile back, kissing her on the forehead. You join the two of them and get comfortable. Patrick leans over and goes to turn the light off when Gabby screams. "NO, DADDY! DON'T!"

"What? Why?"

"You can't turn the lights off," Your daughter mumbles, "If you turn the lights off, the monsters will come out from under the bed get me..." She pulls the covers the three of you are lying under over her head. Patrick glances over at you.

"Ethan told her this scary story and now she can't sleep without the lights on," You explain under your breath.

He rolls his eyes and sighs, lying down on his back.

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