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Anyone else watch/watched The Electric Company? No? Oh, okay.

Hey guys! So, for all of those who read Stumphalicious's and my collaboration books "Dear Patrick" and "Dear Danny" and might've already deleted the book from their libraries but might have this one...

First off, I think I'm speaking for both Laura and me when I say this, but I can't tell you how appreciative I am that the books got as many reads and votes as they did. It's incredible and it really means a lot to us. Your guys' support is seriously one of the reasons we continued this two-book series. So thanks. Thanks a lot =)

Secondly, since the two of us had such a great time writing those two books, we've decided to write another one =D So if you guys are interested, it's called "Catch Us If You Can" and I hope you guys will give it a chance. You can get the prologue (which I just published) on my profile by either just going to my page and finding it there, clicking the External Link, or going to this URL:


Thank you guys so much for being such awesome readers and I hope you know how much Laura and I love you <3


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