It's Your Turn

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"Daddy didn't know how to change a diaper?"

Ethan laughs, "Nope, he didn't have a clue. Hell, you're lucky he was able to change your diapers."

"What's next? What's next?" Gabby claps excitedly, flipping the next page and pointing to a picture of Ethan - still a baby - and Patrick, a milkshake in between the two of them, smiles on both their faces. She glances up at Ethan for an explanation. "What's this?"

"That's from when Dad took me out late at night for a frosty," He tells her, "I think he took me out because I wouldn't go to sleep or something..."


It's late at night and Ethan's up in his crib, crying his eyes out and screaming at the top of his lungs from the nursery. You and Patrick are lying in bed, wide awake.

"I am not checking on him," Patrick states tiredly, rolling over on his side and pulling his pillows over his ears, mumbling, "It's your turn."

"My turn? No, it's your turn," You object, sitting up and pulling Patrick's pillow away from him.


"You can get it back once you go see what he wants. I went to check on him the last three times, it's your turn now. You go check on him."

"But whyyyy?" He whines, looking back at you, "(Y/N), I've got to sleep. The guys and I are supposed to be at the studio all day tomorrow and if I'm falling asleep while playing guitar, they're going to kill me!"

"Well then it looks like you better go see what Ethan wants, now, doesn't it?" You retort in a snarky manner, shoving the pillow back at him and lying back down. Patrick rolls his eyes and throws his pillow to the side, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rising to his feet.

He trudges out of your bedroom and down the hallway, the crying intensifying with each step he drags to the nursery. He grasps the doorknob and pushes the door in to reveal your son, standing in his crib with tears streaking his rosy cheeks. The minute he sees his dad standing in the doorway, though, he calms down a little bit.

Patrick walks into the room, the corner of his lips curling up ever so slightly as he says softly, "Hey, buddy, what are you doing up?" The baby stares at him, blinking repeatedly and sniffling every now and then.

The singer approaches the crib and picks his son up, "Can't sleep, huh?"

The fourteen month old shakes his head no.

"Is it 'cause your teething?" Patrick asks, parting his son lips and seeing that, on top of the bottom two middle teeth, he's starting to get his first top middle one. He smirks, "It is. Where's your teething ring?" He looks around the room before spotting it underneath the changing table. He walks over and grabs it, giving it to his son who immediately begins to suck on it.

Patrick goes back over to the crib and starts to set Ethan back down in it when the boy starts crying again. Your husband quickly picks him back up, and he stops crying.

" you can't fall asleep and you want someone to stay up with you, is that it?"

Ethan remains silent, looking up at his dad with glistening eyes as he gnaws at the rubber ring.

Patrick sighs, "Well, lucky for you, I can't sleep either. So why don't you and I go somewhere instead?" He leans in and whispers, "It's a secret, though, so you can't tell Mommy, okay?" Your son nods his head as the two of them leave the nursery together, checking to make sure you're asleep before leaving the house - still dressed in their pajamas.

Patrick gets Ethan situated in his baby seat before hopping in the driver seat and starting the car up. He backs out of the driveway into the deserted road and starts driving down the empty streets, constantly glancing back at his son in the rear view mirror.

He pulls into a parking lot and cuts the engine, getting Ethan out of the back and walking into the dead fast food restaurant. He walks right up to the counter and inquires, "Can I have a medium chocolate frosty?"

The cashier punches the order into the register and asks if he wants anything else. He answers no and the cashier tells him how much it'll be. Patrick forks over the money and in return, the cashier hands him the late-night treat. The singer thanks her and finds a table to sit down at (which isn't very difficult, seeing as they're the only people there besides the two employees behind the counter).

"Okay, Ethan," Patrick mutters, swirling a spoon around in the chocolate frosty for a little before bringing the spoonful towards his son's mouth, "This should help with the pain." He put the spoon into the boy's mouth and his eyes go wide. Patrick pulls the spoon away and waits for his son's reaction.

Ethan sits there for a little in the chair he's sitting in next to Patrick before swallowing the thick beverage and smiling up at his dad. Patrick grins back before his son makes grabby hands at the paper cup. "Mo! Mo!"

"Okay, okay! I'll give you more!" Patrick replies, chuckling as he dips the spoon back into the cup, "You got to be careful though, buddy, you don't want to get a brain freeze." He holds the spoon out and the little boy opens his mouth, ready for the next spoonful.

A Handful Of Moments You Wish You Could Change (Patrick Stump Imagine Story)Where stories live. Discover now