Visiting A Friend

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It's the next morning and you're sitting on the couch with Gabby, watching her favorite show. She's curled up next to you, her head resting on your chest. Ethan is upstairs, still asleep.

"Mommy?" Gabby asks, her voice soft as she tilts her head back to look up at you, "Where's Daddy?"

You don't answer her question. You just stare forward, oblivious to the world around you. Your world right now is dark, black, empty.

Patrick looks directly into your glistening eyes, a lump forming in his throat. "(Y/N), how can you even ask that question? You know I'm going to stay. I have to."

"But that's where you're wrong," You interrupt him, preventing him from saying anything more. "Because you don't have to stay, Patrick. And to be honest, I don't want you to stay! I don't want you to think that you have this obligation to be someone you don't want to be. If you don't want to be a husband or a father, then just leave," You throw your hand in the direction of the door.


"But nothing!" You cry, "Patrick, you made it very clear to me that this isn't the life you want to be living. And I love you enough to let you go, because I care about you. I want you to be happy. And if music is what you want to focus on, then go focus on your music and stop wasting your time trying to make three people - who obviously mean nothing to you - love you."

"What are you talking about? You guys are everything to me!"

"That's not what you said hours ago!"

"I said you guys weren't my top priority, not that you mean nothing to me!"

"Same thing! Patrick," You shake your head, "No, you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm done. Just leave, I know it's what you want to do, so just leave."


"Leave, Patrick," You mutter, turning your head and averting your gaze away from him.

He stands there for a little before grabbing his bags and packing up his things. You sit on the bed, painfully watching as he shoves his clothes into the bags. Tears stain your cheeks and your eyes sting, hating that this is what it's come down to.

He zips his bag up and glances over at you, his eyes mournful. "You really want me to leave?" He asks, expecting you to take back what you said.

"Yes," You answer dismally, not meeting his gaze, "I really want you to leave."

He glances back down at his bags and heaves a sigh, "What are you going to tell the kids?"

"Mommy," Gabby whines, tugging on your shirt to grab your attention.

You slowly come out of your daze and look down at her, "Yeah?"

"Where's Daddy?" She repeats her question, her bluish green eyes sparkling in anticipation.

You push some of her curls out of her face and smirk, "He's just visiting a friend for a little while."

"Are you going to tell them the truth or are you going to keep telling them the lies you've been spoon-feeding them since they were babies?" He inquires, a bitter, harsh tone in his voice.

"How am I supposed to tell them the truth?" You retort angrily, rising to your feet, "How can I tell them that their dad abandoned them because he had more important, better things to do?"

"I'm not abandoning you, you're forcing me to leave."

"Because you don't want to be here!" You snap, "Maybe if you wanted to be here, if you wanted to be my husband and their dad, I wouldn't be inviting you to leave. But you don't."

"But you're wrong! Because I do! I do want to be here, I do want to be your husband and their dad."

"NO YOU DON'T! THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAID!" You scream, fed up with him and his bullshit. He stares at you in astonishment. You heave a shaky sigh and lower yourself back down onto the foot of the bed, putting your head in your hands. "Goddammit, Patrick, just go already. Please. There's nothing more to talk about. We're done."

"Is he coming back?"

"He's not sure yet."

Gabby returns her attention to the TV, unsure of what to think.

Part of her wants to believe you. You're her mom, after all, she's supposed to trust you and believe you.

But then part of remembers what Ethan said to her. About how her dad doesn't care about them, that all he cares about is his music, that he'd choose that stupid band over her and Ethan any day. About how you lied to her about you and Patrick getting a divorce. About how a divorce is when a mom and dad get separated and have to split things between them, including kids. And how he doesn't want her to end up with Dad when Mom and Dad get one.

"Mommy, I don't want to end up with Daddy," She blurts out.

You glance down at her, "What do you mean?"

"When you and Daddy get a divorce. I don't want to end up with Daddy. I want to end up with you and Ethan," She looks up and tells you with utmost seriousness, or as much seriousness as a four and a half year old can muster.

"Gabby," You chuckle nervously, "Daddy and I aren't getting a divorce. Your dad...he's just...he's visiting a friend."

"Stop lying to me!" Gabby screams, subsequently waking up Ethan. She jumps off of the couch and turns to face you. "Where is he? Where's Daddy?"

Patrick exhales softly and picks up his bags from the bed, "Okay, if that's what you want, I'll go. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I really didn't mean anything that I said and-"

"What part of 'we're done' don't you understand?" You mutter under your breath, sniffling. 

He hangs his head in shame and makes his way over to the door, looking back at you in hopes you'll say something to make him stay. But to his dismay, you remain silent, keeping your gaze locked on your feet with tears streaming down your cheeks.

Although you don't see it, his lip quivers and tears start to form in his eyes. He swallows hard and turns around, walking out of the room, out of the house, out of your life.

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