Just Don't Let It Ever Happen Again

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Two months later...

You and Patrick are at a local park, sitting on a blanket next to one another under the shade of the trees. Gabby is running around the playground with some of the other children and Ethan - who has since healed from the accident but was advised to take things easy for the next few months - is sitting on one of the swings by himself, staring at the phone in his hands doing who knows what. It's a miracle he even came with you.

Patrick lets out a sigh and looks over at you, "I think this turned out to be a pretty good summer, what do you think?"

You meet his gaze and smirk, "Once things settled themselves out, sure."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," He apologizes for the hundredth time.

"Patrick, just don't let it ever happen again, okay?"

"I promise."

"Good," You reply, returning your attention to the playground, "Because we're having another kid and I don't want him or her to have to go through what Gabby and Ethan had to go through."

He shakes his head, "I promise you they won't go through..." Your husband's eyes grow wide, what you said moments ago sinking in for him, "Wait." You glance over at him. "Did you just say what I think you said?"

You fail to hold back the smile that wants to stretch from ear to ear.

Patrick chuckles in disbelief, "No. You're shitting me."

"I shit you not," You laugh.

"Holy smokes, really?" You nod your head eagerly. He practically jumps at you and pulls you into a tight hug. He kisses you on the head and sits back, looking down at your now flat stomach and placing his hand on it. "When did you find out?"

"A few weeks ago. When I went to the doctors for a check up. She told me right before I left."

"How far are you in?"

"About a month and a half."

He bites his lip nervously, "Oh my god, I can't believe you're...I can't believe we're..." The elated expression on his face disappears and is replaced with one of fear, "Oh my god, (Y/N), what if I'm not ready?" He meets your gaze with big eyes, "What if I mess things up with this one like I did with the other two? What if-"

You put your finger up to his lips, instantly silencing him, the corner of your lip curling upward. "Calm down, Patrick. None of that's going to happen," You take the fedora off of his head and put it on yours, "And anyways, isn't there that saying: three times the charm?"

"Yeah, but that's just what it is..." He snatches his hat back and fixes it back on his head, "...a saying. And just because something's a saying, doesn't mean that it's true."

You tilt your head to the side, "Like I said before, just as long as you don't let Pete get in your head again. But that shouldn't be a problem anymore anyways, right?" Just then, Gabby runs up to the two of you, sobbing her eyes out. "Oh my god, Gabby, what happened?" You question worriedly.

"S-S-Someone pushed me and I...I scraped my knee!" She cries, rolling up her pant leg and revealing her mildly cut knee.

"I'll go get the first aid kit," Patrick announces, rising to his feet and jogging over to your car. You extend your arms out and your daughter runs into them, slinging her arms around your neck and resting her head on your shoulder, her sniffles and moans muffled by your shirt.

"Hey," You say, rubbing her back comfortingly, "What would you think about having a little brother or sister?"

To be continued in Book 3, "Something Worth Fighting For"...

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you liked this and I just wanted to say thanks for reading, for voting, for commenting, for everything. You guys are seriously the best and I really mean that, from the bottom of my heart, you guys are some of the nicest people I've ever met and I'm so honored to have you guys reading my stuff. On a slightly different note, please stick around because I'm probably still going to be posting random imagines while I work on the third book. Plus, when I publish "Something Worth Fighting For", I'll probably post an update here with the link. So yeah, that's that. Once again, I hope you liked this update and thank you guys for being so awesome. I love you all so much! -Rachael

A Handful Of Moments You Wish You Could Change (Patrick Stump Imagine Story)Where stories live. Discover now