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Hey guys! How are you? I hope you're doing well. So I guess I was tagged (by two people, actually) to do this question thingy. I don't really know much about it, other than that I have to answer their 13 questions and then tag 13 people to answer 13 of my questions. So here I go:

First tag by AngelChokingOnHalos:

1) Do you think TGIF , or do you think TGIFCFWABBTSCSAMSD?

Well...I don't know what the second one I guess the first one?

2) Have you ever wanted to disappear?

Yes, many times. (And join a monastery and go out and preach on Manic Street.)

3) Last song you listened to?

"You Can't Be Missed If You Never Go Away" by Cobra Starship, because I'm a part of my high school's radio club and that's one of the songs I'm going to play tomorrow.

4) Favourite lyrics and what colour(s) do you think of when you hear them?

I don't really know. I have so many favorite lyrics, and most of the time I'll just be listening to a song and when I hear a certain lyric, be like "OH MY GOD, I LOVE THAT LINE!" So it's really an in-the-moment thing with me. I don't think I see any colors when I hear them though, that's not how my brain works.

5) Sometimes, to stay alive, what do you have to kill?

Your mind, duh.

6) Do celebrity crushes count as actual crushes?

I don't see why not. You love who you love, regardless if they're famous or not.

7) Who or what got you listening to the bands you listen to?

Well, one day I saw a commercial for a special showing of The Youngblood Chronicles by Fall Out Boy on Palladia. I'd heard of the band before and I was really digging their single "Alone Together" that was all over the radio at the time. So I DVR-ed it, watched it the next day, fell in love with them, went to see them on Monumentour, fell in love with them even more, started to look into them and their background and all that fun stuff, found some other bands that are associated with them, and yeah...long story short, that's what got me listening to the bands I listen to.

8) Brendon's bigger than the hope that my future will be okay.

I feel the same way (about my own future, of course - I'm sure yours is going to be wonderful).

9) There's talk Fall Out Boy is taking another break after Wintour or something. How do this make you feel?

As long as they don't stop making music forever, I'm okay with them taking another break.

10) Do you draw?

Not really. I mean, I draw SOMETIMES, like, every once in a blue moon. But when I do draw, I really like doing these portrait sketches where you take a picture, blow it up, cut it in half, and draw the other half. The picture I attached above are pictures I did of Joe Trohman and Hayley Williams. Joe was for my sister and Hayley was for my friend minnie2898. I also am working on one of 5SOS for another friend of mine, but that one is still in the works.

11) You know those questions you want to ask because you're genuinely curious, but you're afraid of coming off as self-centered? Yeah, this is where one of those questions would go...

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