Hang Onto The Little Things

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(Y/F/N) = Your Friend's Name

"I just don't get it," You confess, shaking your head, "Everything was going great for so long. We got married, had two kids...things couldn't be better. But then he comes home from this one tour and-"

"Suddenly things got worse?"


Your friend chuckles, "And that, my friend, is why I didn't date a rockstar."

You and your friend are standing in the kitchen, doing some baking for some bake sale that's this weekend. You're over at her house because you haven't seen her in a while and you needed someone to talk to, since you and Patrick are at odds right now and you obviously can't talk to him.

You scoff, "Oh, so Andy's not a rockstar?"

Her cheeks grow a deep shade of red and she chuckles nervously, "What are you talking about? Andy and I never dated..."

"Oh right, because you and the father of your daughter just slept together and never went on any real dates," You retort bitterly, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Hey, keep your voice down, would you?" She snaps at you, smacking you on the arm with a wooden spoon.


Your friend leans in and whispers, "She doesn't know yet, okay?"

Your eyes grow wide, "What? You're telling me your daughter is eighteen years old and still doesn't know that her dad isn't the guy you're married to?"

"No! She doesn't! And I don't plan on her ever finding out! So keep your mouth shut, or I'll hit you again!" She threatens, pointing the wooden spoon at you again.

You put your hands up in peace, "Okay, okay. My lips are sealed. Just don't hit me again. Please."

Her eyes grow narrow before she returns to her baking. "So...what do you think happened while he was away on tour to make things so bad?" She inquires, going back to the original conversation you two were having before you sidetracked.

You shrug your shoulders, "I honestly have no clue. Before he left for tour, things were perfect. In fact, I don't think we'd ever been happier in our entire relationship. But when he came back..." Your eyes begin to water and you hang your head, "...I just don't know what happened."

"Maybe he's cheating on you again." You glare at her. "What? You never know. You said he's been distant. And last time he was distant..."

"He's not cheating on me, (Y/F/N)," You tell her. She raises her eyebrow. You sigh and say, "I'm not sure what's going on or why it's going on, but I want make everything right again. I just don't know how."

"Why don't you go back to that marriage counselor if you want to make things right again?" Your friend suggests, "You guys are actually married now and she really does help. She's the-"

"Yeah, I know, she's the reason that you and your husband got married. But she didn't help Patrick and me. Because right after ending our sessions with her, things went right back to the way they were and it was like we didn't even go to her."

"Then maybe you should just talk to Patrick, cut out the middle man," She says just as the timer for the oven goes off. Your friend grabs an oven mitt and goes to get the tray of cookies out.

"But I can't talk to him, (Y/F/N," You whine as she sets the hot tray down on the counter.

"And why not?"

"Because we got into the fight yesterday and I kind of maybe have been ignoring him since..." Your cheeks grow red in embarrassment.

"Well that's not good," Your friend retorts, extracting two cookies from the tray and putting them on paper towels she already has folded up. She picks them up and hands you one. She places the paper towel in your hand and the cookie warms the palm of your hand.

"I know...it's just...sometimes he just frustrates me so much!" You explain to her, taking a bite of the cookie and continuing with a full mouth, "And it's over the stupidest things too. Like, I know deep down that I shouldn't let it get to me, but I do! Just like he does when someone comments on that stupid fedora of his!"

She rolls her eyes and mumbles, "Patrick and his stupid fedora...something you should never mess with."

"I know right? It's ridiculous!"

Your friend heaves a sigh and sets her cookie aside, "Look, (Y/N), we all let the little things get to us sometimes. But you've got to remember to live and let go. Hang onto the little things and you're basically asking for disaster. If you think about it, that's probably why you and Patrick are always fighting."

You rub behind your neck nervously, "You really think so?"

She rolls her eyes, "Yes. Now, tell me, do you think these cookies are good just the way they are or do you think I need to up my game?" She changes the subject, "Because last year, fucking Cheryl Ann waltzed in with these fucking M&M chocolate chip cookies and she totally stole all my customers."

Cheryl Ann has been your friend's arch-nemesis since high school. She's always one-upped your friend at everything she does. Seriously, everything. No matter what your friend does, Cheryl Ann has to do the same exact thing but ten times better. To you (and everyone else for that matter), it's really pathetic.

You laugh, "Really?"

"Really. I swear to god, she's going to try to out-do me the rest of my life. She'll probably even die first in some tragic way that'll make the world news, just so in the afterlife she can shove it in my face that she died with more pizazz than me."

You can't help but burst into laughter, your friend laughing too.

A Handful Of Moments You Wish You Could Change (Patrick Stump Imagine Story)Where stories live. Discover now