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Hi guys! So as you know, I'm always coming out with new books, which can be a good thing and a bad thing.

It's a good thing because every story that I put out makes me a better writer (at least I hope it does) and it gives you something new to read, and the more you read (no matter what it is), the better you become too (which I don't know how that's possible, because you're all the best). But it's a bad thing because it takes away from my other books. But this one's different.

It's actually a collaboration that I'm doing with my good friend . The two of us actually collaborated before, with my book "Camp YouTube (YouTube FanFic)". It's been a while since that book was written, but we recently got talking again and we decided to do another collaboration, and this time we're actually writing it together!

The book is called "Premonition (FOB FanFic ft. Brendon Urie)" and it would be so awesome if you guys could check it out. The book is added to my schedule and will be updated on Tuesdays. So if you're interested, you can find the first part of the book by visiting my page, clicking the External Link, or going to this URL:

I really hope you guys like it. From what we've got so far, it seems really good, but I might be a little biased.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good night, a good morning, or a good day!


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