Say You'll Come Back

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Author's Note: Thank you all for your comments on the "In Regards To The Rest Of The Book" update, guys. I really appreciate your concern and saying you want a third book only if I'm up for it/it wouldn't be too much, but if I'm being honest, writing is my only escape from reality besides music. I'm always up for writing, it keeps me calm, and THERE WILL BE A THIRD BOOK (I'll release more information later). So look out for that, especially when this story comes to an end. Anyways, thank you all so much, you guys are seriously the best, and I hope you like this update! -Rachael

Gently shaking Gabby awake, you tell her that Uncle Pete's going to take the two of you home. Your reason is because it's past her bedtime, but the real reason is so Patrick can speak to Ethan in private (and partly because it is past her bedtime).

Before leaving, you ask him to swing by the house after he's done, so that you and him can talk things out. He nods his head in understanding and you carry a very sleepy Gabby out of the hospital room, following Pete down to the parking garage.

After watching you leave, Patrick steps back into the hospital room, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. He cautiously makes his way over to Ethan's beside and lowers himself onto the edge, turning his head to look at his son in his comatose-like state.

"Ethan, I'm sorry," Patrick apologizes wholeheartedly, "I know you're probably not going to hear this - either because you're sleeping or because you're just ignoring me - but I'm sorry. I know those words me close to nothing, but I don't know what else to say. I was just going through a really bad time and I said some things I didn't mean. And..." Patrick shakes his head and tilts it down, "...And you have every right to hate me. Even I hate me. I'm the worst father ever and...and you'd honestly be better off with Pete as a dad."

Patrick bites his lip as tears start to form in his eyes.

"He doesn't put his music before his children like I do. I can't tell you how many times he's had to cancel practice or something because one of his kids was sick and Ashlee or Meagan couldn't watch them. Or he took the day off just to spend it with them."

He takes in a shaky breath.

"And then there's me, who's never taken a day off, who's never canceled practice because my kid was sick. I barely even check in while I'm away. I don't call, I don't FaceTime or Skype, I don't do anything," He sniffled, "You know, now I know why you didn't care to see me when I came home. No wonder you hate me so much."

Your husband plays with his hands in his lap for a little before muttering, "I'm sorry, Ethan, I don't know what else I can say."

"Say you'll come back."

Patrick glances over and sees Ethan staring back at him, his eyes half-open and tired looking.

"Please. Say you'll come back. Not for me, but for Mom and Gabby," The fourteen year old grumbles, his body sore from the surgery. "They need you."

"What about you?"

Your son remains silent for a little while before heaving a sigh, "I guess...I guess I need you too."

Patrick chuckles, "Do you really mean that?"

With difficulty, Ethan nods his head.

Your husband smiles through the tears.

Meanwhile, you sit in the car with Pete, you in the backseat with Gabby and Pete in the driver's seat. Your daughter is sprawled across the back seat, her head resting on your lap and the middle seatbelt awkwardly holding her in. She's fast asleep, and you can't help but smile.

"So you're letting Patrick come back?" Pete asks, glancing back at you briefly before returning his attention to the fairly deserted road.

"I don't know," You mutter, pushing Gabby's hair out of her face.

"You shouldn't let him back in, (Y/N), he doesn't love you," Pete remarks indignantly, his grip on the steering wheel tightening ever so slightly, "He couldn't care less about you. He doesn't want to be a husband, a father. All he wants to be is a big name musician. And being a big name musician...doesn't include you or Ethan and Gabby."

"You don't know him like I do, Pete," You keep your eyes locked down on your daughter.

He laughs, "And you do? (Y/N), you don't even know the half of it!" You meet his gaze through the small rectangular reflective surface hanging from the ceiling of the car, "You don't know the things he says when you're not around. You don't know the things he says when he drinks. And you don't know how long he's been talking about wanting to get a divorce from you."

Silence falls over the car.

"You'd think he'd have a hint of remorse when he talks about it, you know, having-"

"Pete?" You say softly.


"Shut up and stay out of Patrick's and my relationship, okay? It's not up to you what we decide to do. It's only up to us."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt again, (Y/N)! Do you know how long I've stood by and watched you fall for Patrick's little tricks over and over and over again?" He answers his own question. "Too goddamn long. And I can't take it anymore. You deserve to be with someone who actually cares about you, (Y/N) deserve to be with me."

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