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Hi guys! I want to apologize for how shitty I've been with keeping up with my books. School's been such a bitch and I've just had so much to do, I barely have any time to relax, let alone write. It makes me really sad because I can't stand letting you guys down, and I feel like that's exactly what I've been doing this past week or two, and I feel absolutely horrible for it.

ANYWAYS, sorry I digress, why I'm posting this is because I need your opinion. Because, believe it or not, your opinion matters. Especially to me.

As sad as it may be, this book is coming to an end soon) at least the story is, I'll still probably post random imagines), and I'm a little unsure on how I want to end it. I've got two ideas in mind (well, really only one, because things could go either way), but it all depends on what you guys want.

So, the question is, WOULD YOU GUYS BE INTERESTED IN A THIRD BOOK? This will determine what the next couple of updates will be, so please leave a comment below if you are or if you aren't, and if commenting isn't your thing, voting for it will work as well.

Thank you guys so much, I love you all with all my heart. Don't ever forget that. Ever.


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