I Just Want Him Back

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You swipe up the bouquet and box as you stumble over the sand to Patrick. He stops in his tracks and glances back over his shoulder at you. You straighten your posture when you notice his gaze and beg, "Don't go. Please."

"Why?" He turns to face you, "Pete said the words you wanted to say for a long time but couldn't. Just admit it, (Y/N), your lives are better off without me."

"But they're not!" You argue, shaking your hands in frustration, "Patrick, I...you...we..."

"I fucked everything up. You have every right to hate me. We're better off apart," He finishes the sentences you couldn't verbalize, though they're far from what you wanted to say, "Don't make this harder than it has to be, (Y/N). I shouldn't have come back, it was clearly a mistake, and I'm sorry."

"But I don't want you to go," You retort, teardrops falling from your eyes, "I don't want you to disappear, or to never come back. I want you with me, with us. We've been together too long for you just to fade out of my life, out of our children's lives. Please, don't go!"

Patrick stares into your glistening eyes, "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but Pete's right. I don't deserve you, I never have and I never will. So find yourself a nice guy, would you?" He waves his hand in your direction, motioning towards his friend who's standing behind you, "Pete seems to like you and you seem to like him, so why don't you just be with him? The kids seem to get along, you'll all be happy for once."

"But I don't love him, I love you!" You shout, throwing the two gifts down and shortening the distance between the two of you, cupping his face in your hands, "For fuck's sake, have I not proved that to you enough? If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have put up with your bullshit for so long. I wouldn't be willing to keep putting up with your bullshit."

"Look, (Y/N)," He wraps his hands around yours and moves them down to your sides, "I don't want you to put up with my bullshit anymore. You don't deserve it. None of you do. So please, let me go."

Your vision begins to blur and your lip starts to quiver.

Patrick frowns and brings you close to him, connecting his lips with yours and giving you one final kiss. Tears stream down your cheeks as he pulls away and swipes his thumb across your wet cheek, "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too," You croak, sniffling, "Don't go, Patrick, please. I'm begging you. Don't do this to me, to us."

He shakes his head and drops his hand to his side before walking away. You collapse to your knees and cover your face with your hands. Pete walks up behind you and joins your side, enveloping you in an awkward side hug. You instantly fall to pieces, hugging him back and sobbing into his shoulder.


You sit down at the dinner table with Ethan and Gabby and heave a sigh, staring at the dinner you have no appetite for. The awkward tension between the three of you is strong and obvious.

Ethan sighs and stands up from the table, leaving without excusing himself. You don't even bother trying to get him back and throw your fork down in defeat, sitting back in your chair and crossing your arms over your chest, averting your gaze to the side, to a family picture you and Patrick took years ago that's hanging on the wall.

"Mommy?" Gabby asks softly, poking her food rather than eating it.


She pushes her plate away from her and looks over at you, "I miss Daddy."

You keep your gaze locked on your plate, "I do too."

"Why'd he go away?"


"Because why?"

"Gabby, I really don't want to talk about this," You murmur, "Your dad's not here and he's probably not coming back. As much as I want him to, he...he's made up his mind. There's nothing I can say or do to get him back."

"But...but..." She rubs her eyes as they start to fill with tears, "M-Mommy, I didn't mean that I wished Daddy wasn't home. I don't care if he doesn't love me or Ethan or you. I don't care if everyone's always fighting when he's home. I just want him back!"

You look over at your daughter and frown, getting up and pulling her into a loving, warm embrace.

"Gabby...I-I'm sorry, I wish I could bring him back for you, but...but there's nothing I can do," You stroke her hair comfortingly.

Her sobs become even louder and her grip on your shirt becomes stronger, her body being wracked as she gasped for air.

Standing outside the dining room is Ethan, standing behind the wall and having overheard yours and Gabby. A single tear rolls down his cheek which he wipes away before making his way towards the front door and grabbing your keys from the dish.

Your head snaps back as you hear the door slam shut behind him.

"Ethan?" You call out. "Ethan!"

A Handful Of Moments You Wish You Could Change (Patrick Stump Imagine Story)Where stories live. Discover now