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Hey guys! So there's this tag going around that I'm sure you're all aware of. Well, I've been tagged four times since my last update and, since I really like answering your questions, I've decided to do it.

There are these rules you're supposed to follow, like posting the rules, saying 13 things about yourself, tagging 13 more people, and then answer the 13 questions addressed to you. Well I just posted the rules right there, I can't think of 13 things to say about myself (I'm sorry), I'll tag 13 different people from my last post at the end of this, and here are my answers to the questions:

First tag from Musichearted_:

1) If you ever have a pet, what would it be?

I'm not much of a pet/animal person, so probably just some really cool fish.

2) What are the songs that Can make you cry?

There aren't really specific songs that make me cry. It depends on the mood I'm in. Like on the bus today, I was thinking about the day I had that wasn't so great and I was on the verge of tears, and it didn't help that my iPod kept picking sad-ish songs.

3) Eewie things for you?

I'm not really sure. There's not much that makes me go "eww".

4) What are you great escape?

Music and writing, hands down. Without them, I'm pretty sure I would go mad.

5) DO you ever believe in DESTINY? why?

Do I believe in destiny? I'm not sure. All I know is that I believe your future is up to you, and you alone. Where you end up, it's because of the choices you make. And just because someone tells you you should do something, doesn't mean you have to. You control your life, not someone or something else.

6) Do you like who you are? Yes or no? Why?

I don't not like myself. I mean, it really depends on the day. Overall, yes, I do like myself. I'd say I'm a pretty nice person, I'm smart, I'm not terribly ugly (I'm not terribly beautiful either), and I have a pretty alright taste in music. But some days I wish I could be someone else (haven't we all?).

7) If youre gaven a chance to meet someone who would it be and why?

If I was given the chance to meet someone, I'd want to meet All Time Low. They seem like they know how to have a good time and joke around and have fun.

8) What songs describe your feelings right now?

"Goner" by Twenty One Pilots, "A Daydream Away" by All Time Low, "Everybody Wants Somebody" by Patrick Stump, really any song that's about being a failure, feeling hopeless, and wanting things I'll never have

9) Where do you live?

Somewhere in Neverland (just kidding, I live in the United States)

10) Fave movie?

I really like a lot of movies, but if I had to choose, I'd probably pick "Across The Universe".

11) Fave book at the moment?

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. We just finished it in English class this year and I really really liked it. I definitely would recommend you read it some time. It's awesome.

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