Chapter 25

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I swear, I suck at updating this story so bad. But I started a new fanfic which is called The Definition of Not Leaving and I update that one a lot more frequently because I've been having more ideas for it. So yeah, go read it or something.


Frank's POV

I stare at the picture of my boyfriend. He recently died his hair red and I think he looks fucking amazing. I wish I could text him right now, but I can't. I have work. Ronnie will kill me if he finds out I was texting Gerard.

Nobody likes Gerard. I don't know why. They say he used to be in the group but found a loophole to get out without being killed. He's never told me and I don't plan on asking. But Gerard is wonderful and I don't know why anyone would hate him.

I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket. I just really want to text him. But I'm on door duty today since Sykes is running a special errand. I roll my eyes. Ronnie can be an asshole.

Someone comes in and I notice it's the Hispanic boy. He irritates me. A lot. "Fuentes, you're late."

"I had things to do." He says, crossing his arms. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. There's something about him that just pisses me off.

"Uh huh, okay. But do I care? No sir." I put as much venom to the word sir. I'm his superior here and I know that it bugs him.

"Right." Fuentes says with a roll of his eyes. He then walks away. When he's gone and out of my sight, I sigh and lean against the wall. There's nothing to do today. Honestly, I have nothing to do but stare at the door and make sure people we want around come in. So I pull out my phone and very discreetly, I send a text to Gerard.

He never answers.


After I'm no longer needed, I head out. It's chillier today, but that's alright. I'm walking alone, my head down, worrying. Gerard usually answers my texts within the hour; he didn't answer at all. He didn't even read it, which means he's not ignoring me. But what could possibly be going on?

I'm going to go to his house. I know that seems intruding, but what else can I do? There's nothing else.

Once I get to his door, i plaster a smile on my face and knock. Mikey might be the one answering and I don't want to look too worried. But right when I knock, the door creaks open. I stare at it until finally, I make the decision to push it open more and I enter the house slowly and cautiously.

It looks like it's been raided. The house looks as if a tornado swept through it. Someone, or some people, have been in here.

I hear footsteps upstairs and I suck in a breath. Quietly, I sneak up the stairs, avoiding all the creaky spots that I've known to avoid for so long. There's a dim light coming from Gerard's room. I chew on my lip. I'm barely breathing. My heart is pounding loudly in my chest. I've been in worse situations, but this involves my boyfriend. He means the world to me.

The door to Gerard's room opens a bit wider and I silently make my way over to it. I reach into my back pocket, grabbing the small knife I keep there. Once I reach the door, I take a deep breath and push it open.

I'm met with an image out of a horror movie. The three people here freeze in their actions and stare at me, but I barely notice them. My eyes are clouded with emotion. I think you'd call them tears, but I'm not crying yet.

Tied to a chair is the bloody, beaten body of my boyfriend. His newly dyed hair sparkles red in the dim light, but it's also stained darker in places, sticking to his forehead with what I know is blood. He's not moving. I doubt he's breathing. He looks broken and used, as if they threw him down the stairs multiple times. I bet they did.

My hand clenches around the small knife in my hand, and all my pent up rage boils to the surface. How could they do this to Gerard? My Gerard!? How could they fucking kill him!!? I'm starting to shake and tears are starting to pool over and no one is moving. Or well, I don't think they're moving.

"How could you?" I mutter under my breath, "Why the fuck did you do this!?" This time, I scream it. Something inside me snaps. I don't know how to explain it, but it was like a dam exploding, all the hot boiling rage cascading through. I turn on the first living thing I see. The knife in my hand is already sinking into the first body. Repeatedly. I'm crying and repeating the same thing over and over, "How could you?"

The person is fighting back, but I'm ruthless. I drop the knife and my hand encircles their neck. I put pressure, lots, and their eyes bug out and they're  gasping, trying to get air when there is none. They claw at my hands and I think they're almost gone. I'm going to kill them, I'm going to fucking kill them, I'm-

The last thing I hear is a loud bang, and I barely have time to register what's going on when the world disappears right before my eyes.


That's the end of my recollection of living. Ever since then, I've been stuck here. The Hispanic boy soon joined, but he wasn't dead yet when he arrived. But I know that he killed himself.

We all end up here eventually. Some are lucky and skip this place, this rotting old dungeon for the living and the dead. Some wind up here when they should have already passed into the after life.

Kellin is one of the ones who should have never ended up here.


(a/n: sorry for how short it is. I'm going to be going to San Diego for warped tour, though I'll be gone for ten days. I think I'll have wifi in the campground I'll be staying in, so I'll update then)

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