Saying Goodbye
It isnt easy to say it
Never did I think I'd have to
Not with you
Missing you so much
But now it's time
To say goodbye
Those faded blue eyes
That crinkling smile
The way you joked with me
Are all gone now
And I didnt think our last talk
Was really the last one
All the things i wanted to say
But now i cant
All the things i needed to tell you
And now silenced on my lips
I know you're gone
But it hasnt clicked in my head
That it's true...
That you're really not there anymore
Today I'm meeting
With those who loved you
Because we are all here
Saying goodbye
You did so much
And yet
I never fully appreciated your presence
I loved you and all you did
My poor friend
Please rest in peace
For today I am finally
Saying goodbye