3/9/19 - 2

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Haunting Melodies

Tinkling of ivory and ebony keys echo through a now vacant place
What was once a grand ballroom
Is now a dark and empty space
Where things used to light up
Is now cobwebs and dust
The curtains are closed
And no sun comes in
No more guests visit
All alone on the stairs
I ponder and wait

Hoping things arent the same
I've been here before
And it's always reminding me
That it always will be
Not to mention
The haunting melodies
They play the songs of my heart
Knowing what to play deep down
I tried to open the doors
And make the place grand
But doubt clouded my judgement
So alone in darkness I wait

My love for him
Keeps me patient
For i hope that one day
Glorious music will play once more
And people will dance again
Lights filling the rooms
And curtains open wide

Until then
I will stay here and wait
While i hear the faint sounds
Of the haunting melodies
Of memories past
Hoping they dont cause panic
And dont weigh me down
I cant bear losing everything again
So i hope...
Because I've seen the light...
I will see it again

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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