Chapter One: River

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*17 years later*

I watched her walk. She folds her arms across her chest, as tight as she can bare. She looks to the floor, hiding her face behind her long, tangled hair, cautiously watching her surroundings every so often, as if she's waiting for something to happen.

"Oi, Riv!" I snapped my head in the opposite direction and saw my group of friends walking towards me, I wasn't particularly fond of them, but they were the only guys in this crap-hole who wanted to be my friend. Not to sound cocky, but a lot of the guys here are jealous of me. What can I say? I'm a ladies man. And by that I mean girls are falling over one another to get to me.

"Hello darlin'. Give us a smile!" The group leader, Eric said to a passing girl in the hall. I rolled my eyes at his misogyny while the others giggled along with him. "Are you coming out tonight?" He asked me, forgetting about the girl.

As always, I was wearing sunglasses so they wouldn't be able to tell how much they annoyed me as I rolled my eyes every two minutes when they were around. I lowered them down my face slightly and looked at him, eyebrow raised, knowing he had already predicted my answer. "Can't. Sorry." I replied bitterly.

"Why? Got a date?" I huffed in his face and turned away from him. He knew I didn't like dating, I loathed it in fact! I didn't see the point on relying on a partner for happiness.

Of course that's not to say if I met the right person I would ignore it...

I suppose you should know a bit about me as you're about to follow my story...

My full name is River Oliver Benjamin White. Yes, out of all the first names my parents could have chosen, they chose River. I am seventeen years old...There's not much more to me to be honest.

Ah yes, I hate my father for reasons you are yet to find out, but am forced to tolerate him, simply because he funds my very expensive lifestyle; over the years I have developed a certain taste for certain things like clothes and cars. But as soon as I turn 18, I am legally obliged to obtain half of his wealth and business.

I would say I am rather attractive, I have jet black hair with a fringe, blue eyes and a few freckles dotted over my nose and cheeks. A plain black shirt, vans and black skinny jeans is usually how I am found to be dressed. I also choose to wear heavy black eyeliner around my eyes as I feel it structures my face perfectly and makes me look even more 'emo' than I already do-

"Hey River, you taking me out yet or what?" One of my main fans asked, resting her hand on my bicep. I smiled politely and discreetly shrugged her off, taking a step away. "Sorry Liv, not tonight." I told her, she smiled and rolled her eyes before storming off in a huff. I diverted my eyes back to the girl I was previously observing. She had stopped to check her phone, standing only three or four metres away from me.

"Bro, stop staring at the freak! What's wrong with you!? Olivia wants you. All the girls want you! And yet you're looking at... That!" He was obviously referring to the girl I was watching. I had already had enough of his bullshit for the day, so I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and walked away, past the girl. I still didn't know her name. She looked up at me and gave me a half smile, I returned it, making sure no one saw it. If anyone saw me even smile at a girl, they would assume I was in love with her. I do my very best to show no signs of affection towards anyone. In my opinion, showing someone how much they mean to you isn't cute. It makes you weak. It makes you vulnerable. It encourages people to mock you even more when it inevitably ends.

"Riv we're all going down the harbour tonight. You coming?" The group asked me. I shook my head at them. "No sorry lads, can't tonight. Places to be, shit to deal with. I'll see you later." I told them, swiftly making my exit and heading towards my next class. I hated school. Hated it. My father is well off, I have a bright future in his business, I was already top of my class in most subjects. I didn't see the point, but legally I have to stay here until I reach 18. What a waste of my best years.

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