Chapter three: Harmoni

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' I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to overreact. I want another chance. I need another chance, please? Let me explain myself. Let me show you how much I care. I promise you won't regret it.

Same place. Same time. Tonight.

If you're not there, I'll understand.

~River x

The note made me smile slightly, and yet I was still so angry with him. I scrunched the note up and threw it in the nearest bin. I had nothing to say to him. I didn't care for what he had to say. He could die for all I ca-

"You didn't need to do that..." I turned round and saw River standing there, his black zip up jacket done up all the way to the top with the hood pulled up. "W-Why are you following me?" I asked cautiously. He was beginning to freak me out... "I knew you'd throw it away. Why can't I just prove myself to you!"

"I don't see why you have such an interest. I'm nothing important. You're River White! The rich, absolutely drop dead gorgeous kid in school, you can have anyone. And then there's the fact that I really do not trust you!" I didn't take my eyes off the ground.

"I know what it's like. I know what it's like to be hurt. I've watched you everyday since we started this school. I've seen you crying your eyes out... Every day. For a year! I don't know why but I want to help! I want to be there for you! I want to prove that I can be the person to support you"

"I already have someone to support me!" ... I realised what I did last night and couldn't hold in my emotions. "...Had.." I dropped my books and buried my face in the palms of my hands. I felt River pull me towards his chest as he leant his head on mine. I felt at home with him. I felt comfort in him, but I quickly snapped out of it. "I don't need pity!" I yelled at him, pulling away from his embrace and pulling myself together.

"Why can't you talk to your brother anymore?"

"You rang last night and I threw my phone because of how mad I am at you." I said, almost whispering, embarrassed of my actions.

"Y-You smashed your phone because of me?" He questioned.

"Of course I did. You just ditched me in an area I didn't really know!" I felt myself lose it. "I'm in love with you! I have been for years! When I thought you liked me it made me happier than I had been in ages... And I had it all taken away from me because you overreacted!" I started stuttering towards the end. So what if he knew? So what if anyone knew?! Nothing mattered anymore if I didn't have Daniel to comfort me!

I stood staring at him as he scrambled for words, another excuse to give me before I quickly stopped him. "Don't. Don't even try to talk to me. Just leave. Leave me alone!" I yelled in his face before storming off. I went to my usual corner where no one goes and curled up into the corner and cried.

"Uhm, are you okay?" I looked up and saw a girl one or two years older than myself.

"Not really, but you don't need to worry." I told her in the nicest possible way.

"Look, I don't know what's happened in your life but I need some help with something, and I think you might be just right for it." I looked at her with a confused look. "There's a job... I can't do it anymore because I'm going to University in a few weeks. I think you would be perfect."

"W-What makes you think I would need a job?" I asked, confused.

"I've seen you working at the restaurant. I can tell how much you hate it. This job is amazing! I loved every single second of it! I'm just trying to help someone who looks like they might be struggling a bit... I'm sorry if I come across as intrusive."

"Not at all. How do I apply for this job?" She gave me the details of where it was and told me to be at the place tomorrow at 6PM. I didn't recognise this girl as a pupil, she could've been a guardian angel for all I knew. Hopefully this job could mean the start of something better for me.

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