Chapter five: Harmoni

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I felt my heart beat straight through my chest, I get my eyes widen as I realised what I had just blurted out.

"Harmoni..." He paused, looking like he was going to continue speaking. "Do you want me to go with my head... Or my heart...?" He asked.

"Your heart..." I told him.



"I don't love you..." He paused while I took in a deep breath, holding in the tears. He took my hands in his and pulled me slightly closer to him. "I don't think I ever really did. Since you had no time for me after one mistake, I don't see what else I can do!" He told me.

"I-I'll change! I will! I promise! Just.. Give me time and I'll be better, I promise! I can learn to trust you! Just... Please don't give up on me, River."

"I'm not waiting for something that might not happen. I'm sorry. The job offers still there. But as far as we're concerned, whatever this was... Is over. Goodbye, Harmoni."

"River..." I whispered.

He walked off and over to his group of friends. Keep it together, Harmoni. You knew this would happen! Don't you bloody dare start crying!

"Oh! One more thing." River said, walking towards me again, pulling something out of his pocket. "You left this at my house. Don't even think about giving it back again. Because I will come to your house, and glue it to your face." He told me, smiling. For some reason I didn't doubt him...It scared me how close he was getting to my face. For one mad, magical moment... I thought. I thought he might kiss me... "Remember, the job is yours if you want it..." He whispered in my ear. I felt my eyes beginning to water. It was more than obvious now that he was just playing with my head. But I'm in love with him! I have been since I first spoke to him! I wish I could explain to him just how much he means to me....


For the rest of the day River was all I could think about. It was finally lunch time and I went to my usual spot. I decided I had had enough of being alone. I pulled out the phone River gave me and rang my brother. I was going through my contacts and saw the two names River had put into the phone... I had changed his name. The only names in the phone now were;



It broke my heart slightly to see how much he didn't really care anymore...

I tapped Daniels name and brought it to my ear, hearing each ring...

"Hello?" He answered, it was so comforting to hear his voice after so long...

"Danny? It's me. Harmoni..." I told him.

"Harmoni?! Thank God! What the hell happened to you?! It's been over a week!" He rushed.

"Danny, please calm down! I'm fine I promise. I smashed my phone..."

"How have you managed to pay from a new one?" He asked. I didn't reply, making the answer even more obvious. "It was that boy, wasn't it, Harmoni."

"Danny I don't want to talk about him. It's not the most stable sort of relationship so far..."

"Has he hurt you?! What has he done?! Harmoni. Tell me now!"

"Dan! Please calm down! I'm fine! It's just... I like him and I know deep down he likes me... He's given me a job working for him but I don't know what to do about it. I want it so bad but I-I'm heartbroken..."

"Hunnie, you knew something like this would happen eventually. You know, boys. But believe me, you'll get over it and-" I pulled the phone away from my ear when I saw someone walking towards me, I recognised him as one of Rivers friends, Eric. The one trying to flirt with me earlier.  "Sorry Dan, I'll call you back later." I said and quickly hung up. 

"Oi, you're Rivers bird, aint ya?" He spoke to me.

"Not really. We started getting close at one point. Nothing serious. Why?"

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering."

"No, go on. There must be something?" I enquired.

"He won't shut up about the girl who stole his heart. His words!" Needless to say it took me by surprise... He talks about me to his friends?! "Is that so?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Never shuts up 'bout ya. Apparently he's heartbroken. I don't know. But yeah. I just wanted to see the girl who stole River White's heart." He laughed.

"Oh I wouldn't say that. I know he was just playing me..." I told him.

"He isn't, you know. He's never been happier than he has been this last week or so. He's in love..." His words took me by surprise. I thought River was just playing mind games, it's why I couldn't put up with him going on about how sorry he was, I knew it'd end badly. But he's been talking about me to other people, maybe he's genuine?

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