Chapter eight: River

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"Look, I just don't know if this is such a good idea anymore. I'm not saying it's forever. Just until I get my head sorted." I said to my girlfriend, Kara.

"What's this about? You've always been fine. Why only now is your head messed up when you're with me?! Am I the cause, is that it?" I let out a long sigh. The truth is, I haven't been able to get Harmoni off my mind! I wish I could just forget about her... "No you're not. I thought I loved you... But I think I just don't feel the same way anymore. I know it's only been two months but-"

"You promised me forever, River!" She cried. I thought back to the moment I said that.


I watched her walking in front of me, her fingers intertwined with mine. She was trying to be serious but attempting to make me laugh at the same time. "River. I want you to take my hand in marriage and promise me the world!" She said to me, trying to be serious, I could see the smile beginning to form. I got down on one knee and kissed her hand. "
"I am in love with you and promise you the entire world and much more, for you hold the key to my heart and you always will!" I said. Being half serious. We both laughed as she kissed me, admittedly we were both drunk. But she took my mind off Harmoni, and that's all that mattered.


"Grow up, Kara! We're still teenagers, why should we start being serious about that shit already? We were only messing around!" I snapped, realising I sounded quite harsh.

"Well maybe you were just messing around." She said in a half-hushed, half angry tone before walking away. I let out a long sigh before getting in my car to drive home. I had met her in the same place we always meet. It was an old abandoned park that no one ever really goes into anymore, I always insist on meeting her here to avoid the possibility of seeing anyone I know. I really thought I loved her. Apparently not. I hung up the phone and sat it on the kitchen side to pour myself a glass of water.

"Servant!" I called to my Father's slut, walking into the house.

"You called." She huffed.

"He still not back?" I inquired about my father. she just shook her head, looking to the floor. "Pathetic." I said to myself, rolling my eyes. I walked up the stairs and into my room to find Harmoni standing at the end of my bed. "Made your bed." She said bitterly.

"Thank you." She nodded at me and left. I let out a long sigh and collapsed on my bed. 


I woke up the next morning, sighing at the realisation that I had school. I carried on with my usual routine and walked downstairs. "River. He's still not back!" My fathers maid rushed, coming up to me.

"One, do not call me River. Two, you do not speak unless spoken to! And three, I really do not care!" I told her walking away from her.I grabbed my keys, not bothering with breakfast. I went round the back, got in my car and drove to school.

Two hours had passed and I was taking my seat in my science class. "Right! Today I'm going to be picking your partners. So! River, please take a seat next to-" He stopped, looking around the room for whomever he chose to be my partner. " Ah, Harmoni! You might be able to bring her out of her shell more!" He told me. I let out a sigh and headed to the back of the classroom and sat in the seat next to Harmoni.

It was about 25 minutes into the lesson and she still hadn't said a word to me, she just carried on with our group experiment as if I wasn't there. "Alright class, listen up please!" We all looked towards our teacher. "I hope you all like your partners because you're going to be working with them every lesson for the next few months!"

"Look, if we have to work together we might as well try to be civil to each other." I said to her. She still ignored me. "Sir!" I raised my voice, directed to the teacher at the front of the class, he came over to me and asked what I wanted. "I can't work with her, she won't even talk to me!"

"Harmoni, what's wrong with River? He's a good student, he doesn't mess around, what's the problem?"

"I just can't work with him..." She told him. I let out a long sigh and asked if I could work with someone else. I watched my teacher while he thought for a moment. "Look, can you two just sort out your differences or whatever has happened and grow up, Harmoni!" She let out a long sigh and passed me some of the written work to complete. "Look, I know why you're not talking to me..." I said cautiously. She looked at me, slightly shocked.

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because of the other girl..." She just looked down and nodded slightly. "I-I'm not with her anymore. I broke up with her a few days ago."

"Are you sure she didn't dump you?" She asked bitterly.

"No, I dumped her after I realised I was using her for practise - if you will."


"For when I'm with the girl I'm really in love with." I said with a slight smile.She looked at me slightly and smiled slightly.

We carried on the rest of the lesson in silence...

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