Author Note

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This isn't a chapter. I thought that before I started the story I'd give you guys a description of each of the characters that'll be in the story.

Freddy Fazbear:
age-16, grade 10. Birthday- 01/23
Freddy is a well mannered person. He's the leader of the Fazbear gang and has two brothers. He's the middle child, but acts as the older brother and protects his brothers. He isn't athletic, but does well in sports. He's straight A student and likes to sing. All the girls dig him, but he isn't interested in any of them. He has his eye on Chica. Bonnie is his closest friend. Freddy likes to keep to himself most of the time and suffers from depression.

Bonnie Briares:
age-16 grade 10 birthday- 03/14
Bonnie's a shy person. Doesn't talk much unless he's with Freddy. He's really good with the guitar, but keeps playing the guitar a secret. He has two brothers, but only one of them is still with him. He's been depressed ever since his elder brother left for they were inseparable. Bonnie does well in school and gets As and Bs, but mostly As. He doesn't have someone he likes all though alot if girls like him. He thinks low of himself and has a journal in wich he writes all his darkest secrets and his feelings.

Charlotte Sandoval:
age-15 grade 10 birthday-04/22
Among her group of friends and other people, Charlotte is nicknamed Chica. She likes to dance and is an excellent cook. She has a younger sister. Charlotte is very cheerful and loves her friends dearly. However, she has a crush on Freddy. She doesn't do bad in school having pure Bs. She is is the most respected of the Fazbear gang being as that everyone knows how scary she is when she gets mad. She has a very big heart.

Felix Mathews:
age-17 grade 11 birthday-12/04
Felix goes by Foxy. He's the most athletic in the group and plays basketball and runs track and most of the girls are in love him. He has a passion for playing the violin and is superb at it. He has a younger brother in whom he loves very much and is very protective of him. He has a heavy pirate accent wich draws more girls to him. He has Bs, one C and one A. He has already got a scholarship to any college he chooses. There are some days where he is silent because he's not in the mood. He still has the spirit of a kid and girls love that about him.

Cameron Fazbear:
age-16 grade 10 birthday-01/23
Evryone calls Cameron Goldie because of his gold hair and he wears gold colored out fits along with navy blue. He has straight As just like Freddy. Cameron is also shy, but not as shy as Bonnie. He's older than Freddy by 5 mins. However, Freddy acts as the older brother. He isnt interested in any relationship just school.

Frederick Fazbear:
age-15 grade 9 birthday-11/08
The younger brother in the Fazbear family. Is very flirty with the girls and works out sometimes. He has 4 As and 2 Bs. The Bs being math and science. He is the leader of the Toys and can be very serious at times. He can be scary when he's mad, but nothing compared to Chica. He fights alot at home with Freddy. Only his friends and family know he's gay. Doesn't stop him from flirting though. He has a dream to become a professional baseball player.

Clyde Briares (Toy Bonnie):
age-14 grade 9 birthday-05/12
The youngest of the Briares. Does well in school. Has straight As. He plays the guitar, but would prefer being an author. He has many note books and composition books in his room and locker that is fulled with stories. He secretly likes to cross dress. He has a crush on Cherry. He is part of the Toys. He's a rather cheerful person and everyone wants to be around him. He wishes he could know what's got his brother so depressed so that he could help him.

Cherry Sandoval (Toy Chica):
age-14 grade 9 birthday-10/31
Is the younger sister of Charlotte. Everyone thinks she is like the toy version of her sister. Is very cheerful and hyper. Well is alot like Chica. She loves to cook and dance. Sge also loves to play Tennis and Volleyball. She rarely ever gets mad and when she does, things get ugly. She has pure Bs. She likes Clyde.

Marcus Mathews:
age-15 grade 10 birthday-11/28
The younger brother of Felix. Does well in school. Has five As and one B. Can be shy at times and can get really annoying. Sometimes he just annoys people on purpose. Most girls find him adorable and would kill if someone was to hurt him. Plays no sport. He actually plays the piano and is often not at home for some time because he's been selected to perform in talent shows and competitions. He has plenty of money in wich he plans on using for his and his brother college funds.

Jack Dawson:
age-16 grade 10 birthday 12/12
Among his friends, he is known as the puppet. He is a straight A student usually never talks. Marcus and Billy does the talking for him. Mostly Cameron. Most students at the school try to avoid him. Most of the students fear him except for most of the populars and the teachers. Despite Fred and Freddy being the leaders of the toys and gang, Jack id in control. The only ones he doesn't control is Marcus, Cameron and his little brother Billy. He is very over protective of them. He's protective of all his friends. He's the one that everyone can depend on.

Billy Dawson:
age-8 grade 3 birthday-08/18
He's an adorable little kid with a cute laugh (a/n you know, the laugh in the game) and loves ballons. He lovea ballons sooo much that he would make your life a living hell if you popped any of his ballons. You would have to make it up to him some how to get him to stop. He has many friends and looks up to his big brother. He does well in school because Jack helps him. And because he looks up to Jack, he sounds a little to wise for his age.He has a big heart, but can be mischevious when he wants to.

Vincent Briares (not purple guy):
age-17 grade 10 birthday-07/24
The elder brother of the Briares. He moved away with his father, not of hus own will. He didn't want to leave. He missed a grade because his dad took him out of school to make him raise money. Everyone at his old school and neighborhood knrw gim as Springtrap because he is a prankster. Is now moving to a new school back at gis original home. He wants to start over and if possible, find his mom and brothers.

And that should be all the characters. I shall post a chapter for this story soon. For now, good by my puppets.

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