Chapter Seven

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~~~~Springtrap's POV~~~~~

For the next week, I spent more time with my brothers than I did with Goldie and I'm going to say this, it killed me. I never go a day without seeing him. He doesn't talk to me much though. He always looks so sad and depressed now a days.

I had sent him a text about a day ago and he never replied. I had sent another one earlier today but he won't respond. I decided to go talk to my brother.

"Bonnie! I need your help!" -Vincent

Bonnie came running into my room as fast lightning.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" -Bonnie

"No. Cameron won't talk to me. I've tested him a few times but he doesn't respond. Do you think you can see what's bugging him when we get to school tomorrow?" -Vincent

"Yeah. Sure I can. Anything for my big brother."

A small smile appeared on his face but was gone as soon as it appeared. I wonder if he's ok.

---------Time Skip Next Day----------

Today is Monday. And I'm going to talk to Goldie. I hate seeing him sad.

Wait....he's not sad because I spend less time with him nown is he? God I need to apologize.

I was lost within my thoughts that I didn't realize I was at school and bumped into someone landing on my bum.

"Sorry. I didn't see you there."

I ealked quickly past them with my head as if I'm vunerable. I know exactly who it is I bumped into. His name is Zack (Purple Guy). Out of all the students in the school, he's the only one who's able to rival me.

Not only that but I think he's twice as crazy as me. I wanted him to think I'm vunerable because I felt like fighting.

Guess thinking about Goldir has really put me down the dumps.

I felt someone grab my hand using the same force my dad used when he abused me.

Thinking about that made me flinch.

"Woah there buddy. Where do you think you're going? You can't expect to bump into me and get away with it." -Zack

I looked at Zack and saw that insane sick smile plastered on his face. I smirked and gave him my evil look that used to scar my dad shitless.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe I did think I can get away with it. But I don't blame you for asking such a question because you're a retarded ass son of a bitch." -Vincent

That made him loose it. He swung at my head and knocked me square in the jaw. I wound up biting my tongue in the process.

He took another swing and got me in the stomach then tripped me on the ground and kicked me real hard in the stomach.

The pain brought back painful memories of my dad but I had to resist the pain. I don't start fights for nothing you know.

Zack then pulled me up by my hair and took a swing at my face. Of course I dodged this one for I don't need him ruining my beautiful face.

By now a cried had formed and I could barely make out my brother and little Golden bear and their friends.

"Awww. What's wrong Zacky Wacky? Jealous of my beautiful face so much youa want to mess it up?" -Vincent

That sent him on a rage and he kneed me in the stomach twice before slamming me into the ground.

I'll admit. That kind of hurt. Then I heard the voice that I miss sooo much speak up.

Golden Freddy x SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now