Chapter Nine

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~~~Goldie's POV~~~

It had been a two weeks since I ruined my friendship with Vincent and it hurts everyday just thinking about it.

"Cameron get your dumbass over here with my drink now!" -Zack

I was currently on a "date" with Zack. He usually just bosses me around and if I don't do something right, he'd beat me for it.

There are times when he's really sweet or flirty, but I hate him with a burning passion. If I wasn't such a push over and so shy I wouldn't be with him.

"Here you go Zack." -Cameron

He slapped me in the face before taking his drink from me.

"What did I say to call me?" -Zack

"M-master." -Cameron

"Good boy. Now we have five more minutes before you have to leave for I am meeting someone. So for the last five minutes....."

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me onto his lap then started a make out session with me.

I just want to go home. Yeah sure my brothers are ignoring me, but I rather that then this. Zack then broke the kiss.

"Ok leave. There's a minute left so you have plenty of time to head home. If I still see you or you're spying on me, you will be in a world of trouble. Got it."

I shook my head quickly and he pushed me off his lap. I got up and left the park, speed walking.

~~~Zack's POV (whaaaat)~~~

I watched as he left the park being the good boy he is. I'm still going to punish him though. I hardly ever keep my words.

I looked to my right to see the person I was waiting for. I got up and put on my signature smile and had my arms open as if getting ready to give a hug.

"I'm so glad you didn't bail out on me. I was starting to think that you had become a coward seeing as Cameron as left you for good." -Zack

His fist clenched tighter abd you could practically see the hate and anger seething in him. That only made my unnaturally insane wide smile bigger if possible.

"How do you know about that?"

"Why I watched the whole ordeal go down. And I must say, Goldie shocked me to the fullest." -Zack

"I had expected him to go running bavk in your arms and apologizing, but ge didn't. I guess he's tired of being a push over."

Vincent's whole bidy trembled with anger. His skin visibly got paler.

His skin seemed to always do that whenever he was seriously pissed while others wkuld be red in the face. It's adorable really.

"Why'd you call me here?" Vincent

My smile got so bug it hurt. It hurt so much that I ended up laughing. What can I say, pain is funny. (Who did I get that from?)

"To finish what we couldn't. Our fight." -Zack

Before he had time to react, I sent a punch to his face then kneed him in the stomach.

He was stunned and so I took that time to slam his body to the ground before he could recover.

I then proceeded to stomp on his stomach so hard he coughed out blood and couldn't stop for a minute.

I then straddled his waist and threw a few punches here and there.

This fight was much easier than I expected. We both knew I could beat him so bad, bht he didn't even fight back.

Probably because he didn't have enough time to react. Not my problem.

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