Chapter Six

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~~~Vincent's POV~~~

I woke up around ten in the morning. I'm not much if a morning person, but I would do anything to make Goldie happy. I wenr to shower and put on some casual clothes.

I wore black jeans, a yellow shirt with a golden-green plushie bunny on it. I wore my black converse, in wich I cleaned when I got home last night, and my black and yellow cap wich I put on backwards.

It was ten thirty by the time I was done and Bonnie left five minutes ago. The diir bell then rang and I ran downstairs and pass my mom.

"Vincent sweety, where are you going?" -Mrs. Briares

"Out with a friend. I'll be home same time as Bonnie. But if you want me to stay and keep you company then-" -Vincent

"Oh no. You go on and have fun. I think I'm going to go out with some old friends of mine while you kids have fun. Bye sweety." -Mrs. Briares

"Bye mom." -Vincent

I left outside and saw Cameron. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to my motorcycle that I have been working on. I've been trying to give it some bad ass features and I finished about three days ago.

I grabbed a helmet and tossed it to Cameron. He barely caught. I then grabbed a helmet for myself.

"What's this for?" -Cameron

"You have to wear a helmet. We're taking my motorcycle. Hop on and hold on tight to me." -Vincent

He nodded and got on behind me. He held ob for dear life while I started and took off.

We got to the mall in about twenty minutes. It was an outside mall so most of the shops were outside and no cars were aloud to srive through. No bikes or motorcycles either.

Then there was a building that had somr shops inside and another building in wich I'm asuming to be the theaters.

"Ok Goldie. We're here." -Vincent

Goldie hopped off and looked really excited. I chuckled.

"Alright. Lead the way. I don't kniw where your friends are going to be at."

He happily took my hand and we ran to where he is supposed to meet his friends. While we on our way there, I noticed fir the first time today what Cameron was wearing. He was wearing casual clothes with a scarf, hat, and sun glasses.

"What's with thus get up?" -Vincent

We stopped miving and he faced me with a confused look. And yes, I can tell what his expression is despite the sun glasses.

"What get up?" - Cameron

"Why are you wearing a scarf, hat, and sun glasses?" -Vincent

"No reason." -Cameron

"So then you can take them off. U want be able to see all of you. That includes your face." -Vincent

His face turned red but ge didn't oblige.

"I can't. " -Cameron

"Why? What are you hiding? " -Vincent

"Nothing." -Cameron

He looked down wich I already knew that it meant he wasn't feeling comfortable, was scared, and on the verge of tears.

I care alot-no wait, I love Cameron. So this concerns me. So without hesitation, I took off his hat, scarf, and sun glasses and what I saw made my blood boil.

Cameron whimpered and broke down. I pulled him briskly into my arms. Who would do this to him? My precious little Goldbear.

I swear I will hunt this person down and murder them slowly and painfully. No one hurts my little golden bear and gets away with Bonnie's right. I am in love with Cameron. I feel....happy. But I'm mad right now. >:(

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