Chapter Three

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~~~Vincent's POV~~~

After a whole month, I caught up with everything we learned that I missed out on. And of course, I have straight As.

A whole month since that incident in the cafeteria. Everyone pretty much fears me now. Everyone, but my brothers.

I still haven't met any of their friends. I would like to meet them, but only to make sure they are ok for my bros to hand around.

Third period starts in 5 minutes so I do what I normally do. Cruise the hallways for 3 mins and then got to class.

As I was cruising down one hall, I saw whom I'm pretty sure is one of Bonnie's friends. The blonde boy. I have last period with him. But he wasn't alone. There were three girls with him.

They looked like they were sexually harassing him. That tells me he is innocent and ok for Bonnie to hang with
I should problably help him.


~~~Cameron's POV~~~

Sheesh. These girls wouldn't leave me alone. Wish Freddy was here. He'd be telling them off. I don't know what they want with me.

"Hey Goldie. Wanna come over to my house later? Betty and Jules will be there. It'll be fun."


We all heard a voice turned to the source of the noise. It was that Springtrap dude whom my brother told me to avoid. I have my last period with him.

As soon as the girls saw him, they were all over him. Did they forget his warning?

"Hi Springy. Do they call you that because-"

"Hold up. Now let me stop you right there. Who do you think you are? First of, you're all over the kid. Second, now you're all over me. Third, you come up with some perverted joke. Not cool. You better run before you find yourself on my list."

They got surprised and scared looks on their faces and started hurrying down the hall. It was just me and Springtrap.

Me being the shy person I am, rushed a quick thank you and tried to rush by, but he grabbed ny arm.

"Where you think you going?"

"To my locker? "

He pulled me in front of him, a smirk on his face. I won't lie, I was a little scared of what he was going to do to me.

"What's your name kid?"

"C-Cameron. "

His smirk disappeared. I'm sure I'm going to get it.

"I-I'm sorry y-you're wasting y-your tim w-with-"

"Woah woah. Kid relax. I aint going to do nothing. Just wondering if we could hang out after school. I get lonely when my bros aren't home and mom's at work."

Wait.... He wants to hang out with me.
I didn't expect that.

"Huh yea sure."

"Cool. Just make sure you don't tell a soul that who you're with or that I'm hanging out with you. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Call me Vincent. Well that's my name. Only you can call me that. Just not around other people."


"Alright. See ya later."

He walked off towards wherever he has to go. I walked to my locker to get my books for my class.

At lunch I told my friends that wouldn't be able to hang today because I was helping a teacher after school.

~~~Vincent's POV~~~

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