Chapter Four

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I was at Cameron's place in less then five minutes. We hung like normal friends and played some of his brother's games till 11:50.

Throughout the whole time, I felt some highly unusual emotions. It kinda scared me.

"Alright Cameron. I've got to go. My mom and brothers will be home soon. Along with your brothers."

"Alright. By Vin-"

"Goldie! We're back!"

"That's Fred. Well looks like you've got to go. Bye."

I just smirked at his panicked state. I had no problem leaving. We said our farewells and I hopped out the window like some over geown bunny.

In less then a minute, I was on the next block over. How? I have my ways.

I was soon at my house up in my room. I climbed through the window just as two cars pulled up.

One of them contained my mother. The other contained ny brothers and thus tall red haired guy.

"Vincent! We're back!"

I gad a smug look on my face. Here we go again.

"No shit. I saw you guys ma. I just got home myself. "

I was downstairs in the famiwroom when I realized what I just said.

"Vincent. That's no way to talk to me." -mom

"You were out and about? Doing what? I thougt tou were a lone wolf." -Bonnie

See at times like this, I'm glad I'm a trouble maker.

"Pullung pranks on people. Duh. I'm still a lone wolf." -Vincent

Bonnie had rhat smug look on his face like he knew what was up. Curse being really close to him. He probably knows what I actually did.

"Vincent you had better had put random people in the hospital. "

"Don't worry ma. They were child friendly pranks. No harm done."

I went back up to my room, Bonnie following me. He slipped into my room clising the door.

"What were you really doing? And don't bother lying." -Bonnie

I smirked a little abd then pulled Bonnie down on my bed into a headlock. Hid eyes widden in fright.

"Vincent don't. I've had one too many today and I don't want one coming from you."

I was confused but wouldn't let it show. Instead I just smirked.

"You don't want what?"

"A noogie! I don't aant one!"

I then had a huge smile on my face. His eyes widen when he realized his mistake.

"Thanks dor the heads up."

I then proceeded with the noogie.

~~~Bonnie's POV~~~

That smile. That smilr was my down fall. I just realized tgat he didn't know what my friends do to me as "punishment" and he never gives me a noogie.

"Vincent stop! You're messing up my hair!"

He only chuckled.

"Yeah. Keep whinning. Just be happy your hair doesn't look like mine."

He wouldn't stop.

"Please stop!"

"Only if you say the magic password. "

"Uuuggggghhhhh. Springtrap is evil.

He then had that surprised look on his face and stopped. What's with him and Felix having a password?

"How did you know. I never told." -Vincent

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I know you bro. Now. What were you really doing?" -Bonnie

"Ok. Fine. You got me. I made a friend yesterday and we were hanging out. I wont tell you who it is though." -Vincent

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. " -Bonnie

'I'm so texting everyone about this. This will be a mystery to solve.' Later that night I ooened the chat room and the mystery began.

~~~Freddy's POV~~~

Ok so I saw the weirdest thing ever. Cameron was in my room playing my games. He usually doesn't play with out me or he doesn't at all.

"Want to explain this?" -Freddy

"I got lonely. And bored. You know how I hate being a lone. " -Cameron

"Yeah ok. Let's do something fun. Like I Don't know, play games together. Just the three of us." -Freddy

"I don't know. You and Frederick never seem to get along. It sounds like a-" -Cameron

"A good idea. And I'll beat Fredbear" -Frederick

"Oh shut it Tedbear." -Freddy

We were playing COD when we all got a group txt from Bonnie. Sonething about a mystery and Springtrap and him not being a lone wolf.

I was already intrigued. I love mysteries. The hole gang was in on it. We were going to find out who this mystery person is.

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