Chapter Fourteen

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A/n: I'm not going to use the names that I've made up for the characters because it's complicated and I get confused. I'm pretty sure you guys get confused too. That's all I wanted say. However, I will still be using Zack.

~~~Vincent's POV~~~

Me and Goldie are officially a couple. Yaaaaaay! We've been dating for about a week. My life has been nothing but perfect.

My mom and Mr. Dante are going to be getting married in three weeks. Yay! Life is just ro good right now. Nothing can go wrong.

Me and Goldie were are about to go on a date. But then my phone rings, the caller being my mother.

"Hello mother." -Springtrap

"Springy, head home immediately. It's.......really important....just hurry." -Mrs. Briares

My mother hung up on me and I turned to face Goldie.

"I have to head home. I guess something is happening. You are going with me though because after the problem is over, we'll be going on our date." -Springtrap

"Ok. What are we waiting for?"

We headed off in the direction of my home, hand in hand.

~~~Zack's POV~~~

Today's the day.

Today's the day he will pay. He's already headed off to his destination.

I can't wait to see the look on his face. It'll be priceless. And then he'll be mine again.

Aaahhhh but sometimes, I wonder what lead up to cause a rift in our relationship. We used to be so close. Now we're mortal enemies.

~~~Flash back~~~

"Hey Springy! What are we going to do today?"

"Pranks, duh."

"Oh you and your sassy ways."

"Shut up!"

They both cracked up laughing. The two youngsters headed off to Springtrap's house, hand in hand, to grab the necessary supplies.

"Say Springy, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise stupid. I can't tell you."

After grabing the necessary tools, they headed off to a destination that was the theatre.

A huge smile spread across his face.

In less then a minute, people were running out screaming. The fourteen boys laughed their heads off as they watched their terrified victims from the roof.

"Best prank yet!"

"Of course. It was done by none other than me; the amazing Springtrap."

"Why you little-"

Zack tackled Springtrap to the ground and they started rough housing. Their little battle ended in a fit of laughter.

After a few minutes, the boys went home. Springtrap to an abusive father. Zack to a crazy yet loving dad.

However, Zack came home to a very unhappy and broken father.

"Dad? What's wrong?"

"Your sister was.....killed!"

He went back to crying but stopped as soon as he started. He was fine again and back to his crazy insane self.

"No worries. She was pretty useless anyways. You're lucky you're my favorite and vwry useful."

"You should be more like that Springtrap kid you hang out with. Only thing wrong with him is that he's not insane."

Zack rolled his eyes and stomped up to his room.

Ever since Springtrap came along and they became inseparable friends, his dad was alwasy comparing them and saying Springtrap was much better than him.

That's when a plan hatched in his head. Maybe if his dad saw how good he really is, he'd love him more.

And he knew nust how to do that.

----------Time Skip----------

Zack's plan was to get Springtrap to become insane. His plan worked, yet backfired. Springtrap became insane, but not before passing out.

A new side was awoken in Zack. He discovered he really like seeing people suffer. And he really liked seeing blood.

Their friendship was never the same again. What ruined their friendship was when Zack tried to get Springtrap in jail for a crime he didn't commit, but the plan back fired.

Zack had tied Springtrap down in a chair and forced him to watch him slowly and painfully kill and eight year old girl.

What was sickening to Springtrap was seeing that little girl as his little brother, Clyde.

Zack tried to get away with it and get Springtrap in trouble but that didn't work out. Of course Zack's father bailed him out.

~~~End of Flash back~~~

I don't understand why he couldn't be like me. His loss. And now they both shall pay.

You better be prepared, Springy.

~~~Springtrap's POV~~~

Me and Goldie to the front door and stopped to ahare a quick kiss before I opened the door.

"Ok ma, I'm here. What's so important that i-" -Springtrap

We had walked into the living room and tou have no idea how scared and angry I was.

"What are you doing here?"


There you go my puppets. Another chapter. That was quite some story now wasn't it? What could have possibly made Springtrap go insane? And his is insane side dormantn ready to resurface or never coming back? I don't even know. Well that's all for now. Ender out!

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