Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: listen to this song. It's awesome. If you're a gamer and you've played Super Smash Bros for the game cube, wii (I think), 3DS, and Wii U, you should understand the song. It has nothing to do with the story. And the song doesn't belong to me.

~~~Goldie's POV~~~

"Hello son."

I looked between the man and Springtrap. Do they know each other?

"How'd you escape?" -Springtrap

"I have my ways. But you can thank him him."

The stranger stepped out of the way to reveal Zack. Immediately my heart filled with guilt and fear.

"Zack. What are you doing here? With my dad?" -Springtrap

(I imagined him saying Izaya-kun. Gotta love Shizou-chan)

Wait. That's his dad. Now I know what he meant by hurting Springy.

"I would tell you, but I think you should ask your little boy toy that question. After all, it is his fault your dad is here." -Zack

Springtrap looked at me expectantly but I knew that he wss just confused.

"I-" -Goldie

"Who cares. All that matters is I'm here. I was going to take you back, but I don't want a gay son attracting women for me. So I'll take Bonnie. I would take Clyde, but he's acts too gay for my taste." -Mr. Briares

"You will not lay a hand on my brothers tou god damn son of a bitch." -Springtrap

"Aren't we all sons of bitches?"
- Mr. Briares

I didn't like where this was going. Not one bit. I should've known better than to think Zack would leave us alone.

~~~Springtrap's POV~~~

Who does he think he is? Coming here saying he's going to take my brothers away? I'll show him.

"I'll make you a deal. Me and you fight. If I win, you leave us alone and never come back. And take Zack with you." -Springtrap

"And if I win, you have to break up with that pip squeak and become my slave until you're out if college. And you have to physically and mentally hurt your brothers." -Mr. Briares

"And no interference. This is a one on one battle." -Springtrap

He smirked that overly confident smirk of his. I wanted to knock that smirk right off his face.

"Springtrap don't do it. If he wants me than fine. But it's your turn to be happy." -Bonnie

"And fyi, I'm not gay you stupid man whore." - Clyde

I was happy my brothers would rather me happy, but I can't loose any of them. I looked my dad in the eyes and smirked.

"Deal." -Springtrap

"Springtrap!" -Goldie

Goldie looked at me with fear in his eyes. I smiled a little.

"Don't worry. It will be ok. But right now I need you guys out the way." -Springtrap

Everyone did as told. Zack was a little hesitant but did so anyways.
I got in my fighting stance as did my sorry excuse for a father. It wasn't even a second when I was suddenly in front him, sending a blow to his face.

~~~Mr. Braires' POV (bet you didn't see that coming)~~~

Before I know it, I felt pain in the right side of my face. Had my son always been this fast? Doesn't matter.

The next thing I know i'm on the floor getting a few kicks in the stomach. Nothing I can't handle.

I grabbed Springtrap's leg as soon as he made ready to kick me again and pulled him down.

I then stood up, still holding his leg mind you, and swung him into the table shattering it. Bad news for him, it's made of glass.

I smirked and laughed a little hearing my son shout in pain.

"Awww. Is that all you got Springy?" -Mr. Briares

I then proceeded to kick him, but he quickly grabbed my leg and twisted it.

I ended up on the floor in pain. He sent a quick punch to my left temple wich left me dazed.

All I could do was watch him retreat toward the stairs. I smiled as I finally was able to move again, and we t after him.

"Where are you bunny b-" -Mr. Briares

I was kicked hard in the face and sent tumbling down the darn stairs.

~~~No one's pov~~

The fight went on a little while longer. Mr. Briares had resorted to using shards of glass as weapons and did a number on Springtrap.

But Springtrap did a bigger number on his dad. Nevertheless, the injuries was severe and needed immediate attention.

After a few moments, one of them finally passed out, wich meant the other had one.

Zack was mad and disappointed that a father lost to his own son in a fight. So what if Springtrap had speed. His dad had strength.

Springtrap then looked at Zack with pure hatred and malice, even though he was about to knock out himself.

"You need to leave right now. And don't come back. Don't bother me or my loved ones."

"Psssh. Whatever. I will be back." -Zack

He finally left, dragging Mr. Briares behind him. Springtrap then passed out.


Ok. Here's another chapter. Sorry that it is so short. I might do one more chapter for this story and end it there. And thwn maybe I'll make a sequel. But until then, keep reading my friends. Ender out!

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