Chapter Five

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~~~Freddy's POV~~~

Three months. Three fucking months and we still don't know who Springtrap's friend is.

But we have our suspicions. It could be my twin, Cameron, Chris who's on the football team, Lyssa who's a chearleader, or the baddest kid in school, Josh.

"Hey Goldie, Teddie. What do you guys say about coming with me and my gang to the mall?" -Freddy

"I can't. I'm hanging with Clyde and Mason." -Fred

"Can I bring a buddie?" -Goldie

"Yea sure. Do we know him or her?" -Freddy

"Kind of. Not really." -Goldie

"Excellent. New friend. We're going tomorrow. " -Freddy

"Ok." -Goldie

~~~Bonnie's POV~~~

"Hey mom, I'm going to the mall tomorrow with my buds. Clyde is going to Mason's place do Vincent will be home with you." -Bonnie

"Ok Bon. It'd be nice, though if he made some friends. " -mom

"Well you know brother. I'll be up in my room if you need me." -Bonnie

I ran updstairs after talking to mom. I was in a hurry to get up to my room so because me and Felix are going to play Mario Kart 8 online.

I closed the door to my roim and powered on the Wii U. Just in time because I need to be on a minute.

My phone rang and I answered it knowing whio it is.

"You ready bunny boy? Because I'm about to take you down the road to second place." -Felix

"Ha! In your wildest dreams. The only one who'll be taking second place would be com. while you place third." -Bonnie

"Oh it's on!" -Felix

We were getting ready to start when I heard shouting coming from my brothers room and some other loud noises.

"Hold up Felix. I'm going to go check on my brother." -Bonnie

"Who? Clyde?" -Felix

"No. Springtrap." -Bonnie

"Ok. Hurry up right back." -Felix

~~~Vincent's POV~~~

I was busy sitting at my desk working on some prankd. It's been a while since I last did one. I've spent most og my time hanging with Cameron. I can't go one day without seeing him.

But when I do see him, I get this feeling in my stonach that makes me feel light and I can't breathe. I don't know what that feeling is.

My phone soon started ringing. Tge caller was Cameron. I wonder if we're going to hang out today.

"Hey Goldie. What's up?" -Vincent

"My brother is going to the mall tomorrow with his friends. I'm going with but not alone." -Cameron

"Cool. Who you going with?" -Vincent

"Ok. Don't freak out. I'm taking you with me." -Cameron

"What!!!!!!" -Vincent

What Cameron said surprised me so much that I fell out my chair and knocked a few things over.

I stuggled to get up and when I did, Bonnie was at the door.

"Are you ok Vincent?" -Bonnie

"Y-yeah. I'm perfectly fine." -Vincent

"Ok. Who you talking to?" -Bonnie

Golden Freddy x SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now