Chapter Ten

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~~~Vincent's POV~~~

Next day

I let Cameron stay home from school, but he was to stay at my house under the watchful eyes of my mother.

I have yet to tell his brothers about what happened, but I think I'd let Cameron do that.

I went to the princaple's office to have a nice chat since it was only 6:40 in the morning. I knew how long thus conversation would take.

"What up ole man." -Vincent

"Why hello Vincent. How's it been?" -Mr. Dante

"Good. How's you and my mom?" -Vincent

"Funny thing. I wanted to talk to you about that after school. Don't worry. It's nothing bad." -Mr. Dante

You see, me and the princaple have a father son relationship that I can only dream to have. He's been dating my mom since I was 15. I've known him since I was 10.

"Ok, but what time. I have a little problem at home wich is one of the reasons I came to talk to you about." -Vincent

"5:30 if it isn't any trouble." -Mr. Dante

"Nope. That's perfect. Now. I was wondering if you could switch all my classes to where I have Cameron in all of them?" -Vincent

"Hmmm. Give me a reason and I may consider it." - Mr. Dante

"Ok. Besides the Fazbear crew, Goldie is like the only best friend I trust and have a special bond with and so feel that it is my duty to protect him." -Vincent

"Now you may be wondering why now? We've been friends a couple of months before winter break. So why now? is hard to say, but I have to tell you and I need to know I could trust you." -Vincent

"If it's about you being gay and loving Cameron with all your heart then I already know. It's pretty obvious. And don't worry, I won't abuse you like your father did." -Mr. Dante

"Thank you, but that's not it and really? Is it that obvious?" -Vincent

"Afraid so. But what's your reason. You can most definitely trust me." - Mr. Dante

"Cameron was.....rapedbyastudentwhogoesheresonowineedtoprotecthimfromalltheotherslutshere." -Vincent

Mr. Dante's eyes widened. I didn't really think he'd understand what I was saying, but hey....whatcha expect?

"Wh-" -Mr. Dante

"Wait. Before you ask. I have to ask another favor. Cameron isn't ready to admit that yet. His brothers don't know. His mom doesn't know. And his friends don't know. I'm the only one. Well, was the only one." -Vincent

"But now you know. So I must ask that you don't take action until the people whom's names I said know. Including my mother, excluding his mother. She barely pays attention to her kids." -Vincent

I could tell he was at word of loss. I don't blame. But what I'm about to tell him now will shock him so bad he's going take immediate action. Wich is why I already have a plan to calm him down.

"And one more thing you must know. I found out he was raped because I......" -Vincent

I stuggled trying to tell him what else happened. I was trying to fight back tears that I would've shed for a second time. Man I hate crying. Leaves you so vunerable.

"H-he tried to hang himself at our favourite tree. I know because I ditched school knowing I was going to be too much in a foul mood so I go to the park under the great oak tree to clear my head, and yeah, you know the rest." -Vincent

Damn it! I was crying again. I guess this is what happens when you keep your feelings bottled up inside after a traumatizing experience.

Mr. Dante's facial expression went from shocked, to sadness, to anger, and then calm.

Wow. I really underestimated him. He's better at this than I thought. Or it's probably because he doesn't want to brake my trust and our father son relationship.

"I completely understand. I will start making all the necessary changes. In exchange, I want you to tell me who the culprit is so I can take charge when needed." - Mr. Dante

"I already planned on doing so."

"Another question. How long ago did this happen?" -Mr. Dante

"The day before Cameron stopped showing up to school wich is the same week I was hospitalized." -Vincent

"Alright. Oh and, see me at 6 later. This situation is far more serious." -Mr. Dante

"Thnx for understanding." -Vincent

"No probs. That's what I'm here for. Now shoo off to class." -Vincent

~~~Cameron's POV~~~

I was bored being home alone. I wanted to cuddle with Springtrap, but he's not here. He's at school.

His mom checked on me every 5 mins. She doesn't know what's going on,  but she's not taking any chances with me.

"I'm soooo boooored." -Cameron

"Why don't you help me clean?"
-Mrs. Briares

"Sure. What do you want me to clean first?" -Cameron

"Can you clean the kitchen for me? I'm going to be washing clothes and cleaning the bathroom." -Mrs. Briares

"Sir yes sir." -Cameron

Mrs. Briares cracked a smile and we got to cleaning. We had finished clwaning the whole house by 2:30.

I had decided to read until Vincent came home, but ended up falling asleep.

~~~Vincent's POV~~~

School is finally over! Bow I can get home to Cameron. But my brothers have their clibs today and I am not comfortable leaving them to walk home alone.

"Hey Freddy." -Vincent

"Hey Vince. What's up?" -Freddy

"Do you think you and Felix can stay with my brothers and bring them home?" -Vincent

"I'd do it myself, but I have work to do at home and I can't trust something not to happen when I'm not around." -Vincent

"Yeah sure. Me and Felix don't mind." -Freddy

"Thank you soooo much. Oh and I suggest you keep an eye on your younger siblings." -Vincent

I hurried off to the parking lot and hopped on my motorcycle and sped off.

It felt like two hrs, but it was only five minutes. I left my motorcycle in the garage and hurried into the house to my room.

There, I saw Cameron on my bed sleep with a book in his hands. He was so adorable I couldn't help but take my phone out and get a picture.

I walked over to my bed dropping my backpack on the floor.

"Goldie, scoot over." -Vincent

He mumbled in his sleep, but did as told and I got in bed and started cuddling him. I stayed like that with him and before long, sleep took over me.


Chapter 10. yaaaay!!! I want to thank all my readers for taking the time to read my story. *cough*Apex_Tydolson*cough*Srintrap_Fnaf_3*cough*. But thank you all. I shall continue to update this last story until the end. I also plan on making another story so do tell me what you want me to write. The story with the most vote, I will write.

FNAF x reader


Freddy x reader


And that's all folks. See ya.

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