Chapter Thirteen

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~~~Vincent's POV~~~

"You are late." -Mr. Dante

"I'm soooo sorry. You see I cane home t-" -Vincent

"I'm just kidding. Ha! You should see the look on your face. Come in kids, come in." - Mr. Dante

Goldie giggled and followed in after Mr. Dante. I came in last, closing the door behind me.

"All right old man. What's it we must talk about?" -Vincent

Mr. Dante face became a red tomato and he started playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Weeeeeellllll.....ikindawantoproposetoyourmotherbutidontknowhowimgoingtodoit. Will you help me out?" -Mr. Dante

A huge ass smile spread across my face where as Cameron was confused. I guess he didn't understand a word he said. I feel like playing with my hopefully soon to be father.

"I'm sorry qhat was that. You spoke so fast that for once I couldn't catch on." -Vincent

His face went from mad to mischievous. He had a smirk on his face that made feel small.

"Ok nevermind. I didn't say anything. Sorry for waisting your time over nothing. Bye." -Mr. Dante

His smirk turned into a big mischievous smile as he pointed to the door.

That's when I smirked.

"Oh but of course. I guess since this matter was supposed to be about my mom, you don't need to discuss it anymore. So you either figured out right now or you're just not serious about your relationship with my mother. Oh well." -Vincent

His face contorted in an stuborn and angry look.

"To hell with it! Of course I'm serious! I.....just don't need your help anymore because I figured it out!" -Mr. Dante

Excellent. He fell right into my trap. You see, Mr. Dante is a very stuborn man. He won't really admit to anything unless you trick him.

"Ok. If you say so. Let's go Goldie." -Vincent

Me and Goldie walked out the house. I slowly walked to my motorcycle with a smirk on my face. Cameron was still so confused.

We were already on my motorcycle putting our helmets on when Mr. Dante came running out his house telling me to wait.

"Yes sir?" -Vincent

"I....I do need your help. *sigh* Please come back in." -Mr. Dante

Me and Cameron came back into the house and we all sat down in the same places.

"Well" -Vincent

"I ne-" -Mr. Dante

"And say it slowly. I want to hear every last word." -Vincent

"I need...your help to....propose to your mother. There I said it."
-Mr. Dante

My smile couldn't have gotten any bigger, but it did. Cameron aslo had a smile on his face.

"I'd be glad to help." -Vincent

"I want to ask your mom out in a romantic way, but I don't know how." -Mr. Dante

"Ok. There's your first problem. Don't ask her in a romantic way. Asking her is romantic enough. Plus it'd ne a new change for mom." -Vincent

"Ok. Got it. So how do I do it?"
-Mr. Dante

"Well how did you ask her the first time?" -Vincent

"Well. I had asked her out with a big bang." -Mr. Dante

"Really?" -Cameron

"No. I just pulled upnsone some random topic that lead to us just talking and then me asking her out." -Mr. Dante

"Oooohhhh." -Vincent & Cameron

"Then why don't you do that. You guys can have a picnic at the park and you guys can just talk and enjoy youselves. Then get serious and take her hand and help her to feet and say everything you love about than ask her." -Vincent

"The picnic date has to be a surprise, though." -Cameron

"Yeah. Good idea. I'll just make sure mom doesn't make dinner. You can be at the park with the picnic set up. I'll lead her to the park." -Vincent

"But the what about you and your brothers? What will you guys eat?" -Mr. Dante

"It's ok. I'll just-" -Vincent

"Eat with me and my brothers."

"I was going to say order take out, but ok." -Vincent

"Excellent. So then it's settled?" -Mr. Dante

"Yep." -Vincent

"Thank you boys! Now I think it's about time you two went home don't ya think?" - Mr. Dante

"Yeah yeah. We're going." -Vincent

Me and Cameron said our good byes to Mr. Dante and we went to my house. Little Cameron wanted to stay another night.

We went up to my room and sat on my bed. I stared at Cameron whilst he stared at the floor.

"Hey Vincent, can we talk?" -Cameron

"Yeah sure. What's on your mind?" -Vincent

"Before I had went off on you for no apparent reason, you k-kissed me. Why?" -Cameron

I was confused for a second and then remembered what happened at the park. To be honest, I was a little scared telling him my feelings, but I have to.

"Because I like you as more than a friend and I wanted you to know that." -Vincent

Ok that came out a little straight foward then I meant for it to come out.

"R-really?" -Cameron

~~~Cameron's POV~~~

Oh my god! He likes me? I didn't think he'd ever like me. I'm really shy and can't speak up for myself.

"Yes really. No. Really, I love you. And there is nothing in the world that would make me stop loving you." -Vincent

"Really? You still love me even after everything that's happened? Even though I'm weak and can't stand up for myself?" -Cameron

I hadn't realized Vincent had gotten closer until I felt his arm snake around my waist and his other hand lift my chin up.

"That doesn't matter now." -Vincent

He then leaned down and kissed me. It was sweet and gentle kiss that I soon melted into.

He pulled away after few seconds with this lopped sided grin.

"And now you're mine. Er...I mean...if you want to." -Vincent

"Of course I would." -Cameron

We cuddled together for the rest of the night.


Wooohoooo. Another chapter. They're finally together. Yaaay! Hoped you guys enjoyed this Chapter. And I'm sorry for all the grammar errors. I've been using my phone because my sister is a computer hog. Ender out!

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