I Got Tagged?!!

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OK so apparently I was tagged and now I have to write 15 facts about myself so...... Here I go.

Facts About Me:
1.) I'm very shy and awkward

2.) I fucking love dinosaurs and know most of everything about them

3.) I'm huuuge dork and geek

4.) I'm an otaku, fujoshi, and Nintendo gal

5.) Drawing and writing is my passion and life

6.) I love corny jokes (even the bad ones)

7.) It's easier for me to socialize with adults then with kids my age or younger

8.) I still sleep with my stuffed toys and robot Dino (I will cry if they get taken, destroyed, or thrown away)

9.) I'm a girl (sometimes I pretend I'm a guy)

10.) I'm 15 years of age and will be 16 in December

11.) I love history (but not U.S. History)

12.) I'm 97% tomboy and 3% girly

13.) I'm pansexual

14.) I'm the pickiest eater you'll have ever met

15.) The only thing that I really like bragging about is my family

I hadn't seen the tag until now and I feel kinda bad about it so I'm doing this now.

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