Chapter Eight

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~~~~Bonnie's POV~~~~

I was at my desk reading like usual when I noticed someone sit next to me.

I looked up from my book to see a certain someone. I smirked a little and put my book down to give him my full attention.

"What brings my dear o' brother here next to me all of a sudden?" -Bonnie

"I need to ask you something very important so don't laugh."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"You hang around with Freddy too much his cockiness has rubbed off on you. How do you know if you like someone?" -Vincent

"Well, are they constantly on your mind?" -Bonnie

"Um....yes?" -Vincent

"Do they make you smile?" -Bonnie

"Everyday" -Vincent

Do you ever feel like you have to have them for yourself?" -Bonnie

"Yes! What kind of question is that?" -Vincent

His face was contorted into confusion and then struck with realizatio. My grin grew even more if that was possible.

"I have to go talk to Goldie." -Vincent

---------Time Skip---------

~~~Goldie's POV~~~

The end of the day school by to slow for my taste. I wanted to get out as soo as possible.

When the final bell rung I ran out of class faster then the speed of light.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see I had a text from Vincent.

The text said for me to meet him at the park under our favourite tree.

I didn't want to go after what happened earlier, but at the same time I did.

I decided not go and headed home. But my stupid feet brought me to the park.

'Damm it Cameron! You had to come here. What if he decides to end our friendship? What if he starts bullying me? God I wish I never kissed him.'

I had a mental debate with myself and then snapped out of it when I was at the tree.

I got another text from Vincent saying he'd be there in 10. Great. I sat down and closed my eyes.

I suddenly felt as though someone was watching me so I opened my eyes to be met with blank eyes of Zack.

Startled I kicked him off me a few feer away. Laughed like the insane man he was.

"Awwww. Is that some kind of welcome you give your future boyfriend?" -Zack

"B-boyfriend? You? No." -Cameron

"Awww but you'll have no choice but to agree." -Zack

"And why is that?" -Cameron

He had this sinister smile on his face that made me scared of what he'd say next.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear wich made tremble in fear of what he said.

"So. Do we have an agreement?"

I slowly shook my head yes has he smiled his sinister smile. The next thing I know, he's kissing me. I didn't want it at all but I couldn't refuse.

"Good boy. Be at my house tomorrow at nine. Don't be late. And if your brothers ask, just say you made a new friend and going to spend the night over. Got it."

Golden Freddy x SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now