Chapter Twelve

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~~~Vincent's POV~~~

I woke up around five thirty, with Cameron still in my arms. I smiled but it soon wwnt away when I saw a piece of paper on my dresser.

I reached over to grab and then read it. The paper said:

'I'm coming for you. You can't be saved.'
~You know who

What the hell! I felt the anger buy it was quickly replaced with surprise as soon as I placed the paper down. Five different faces were staring back at me.

"What are you guys doing in my room?" -Vincent

"What are you doing with my brother?" -Freddy & Frederick

"Sleeping, duh." -Vincent

"Why didn't you tell me Goldie was here?" -Freddy

"I have my reasons. I can't tell you unless he wants me to." -Vincent

"Vincent I really don't want to..."

"Tell me what?" -Freddy &

I sighed as the two brothers started to have a heated staring contest. You could literally see the aur cackling with evil.

"Goldie. You have to tell them. Especially your brothers." -Vincent

"I-i uh.....fine...." -Cameron

Cameron told the whole gang. When he was finished, Bonnie and Charlotte were crying, Frederick was comforting Cameron, and I was trying to calm Felix and Freddy down.

Who could blame them. I rather much deall with them then Marionette.

"I'm going to murder Zack then bring him back alive abd kill him again." -Freddy

"I'm going to slowly and painfully kill him. Make sure he feels all the pain he put our little bear through, only 2x worse."

"Excuse me pirate! Goldie's mine and nine alone, so back off! If anyone's going to kill Zack, it'll be me." -Vincent

Cameron's cheeks turned a dark red while Freddy, Felix, and Frederick stared at me in shock.

"What?" -Vincent
I rolled my eyes at the ridunculous looks on their faces and looked at the time.

It was 5:45 and something was nagging me at the back of my head telling me I have to leave now.

Then I remembered.

"Oh shit. He's going to kill me. Goldie come with me and we must not waist time!" -Vincent

I hurriedly put my shoes back on and ran all the downstairs to my motorcycle.

Goldie came down three minutes later and got on behind me putting the helmet on.

"Where are we going?" -Cameron

"You'll see in minute." -Vincent

It took almost over thirty-five minutes to get to my destination.
I parked my motorcycle in the drive thru and went to go knock on the front door.

The door creaked open and what I saw scared so much.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm just trying to keep up with my updates, but it's pretty hard when you got tons of hw and your dad is always talking to you about important things (not that I'm complaining). Thank you all for your patience. Ender out!

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