Chapter One

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~~~Vincent POV~~~

I came home from school like usual to find my drunken father on the couch with some woman getting it on. It disgusted me.

I went up stairs to my room and did my hw so I could start planning my pranks.

"Vincent! Get you dumb ass down here now!!"

I groaned then got up and went down stairs.

"Yes sir."

"Make dinner for three. This young lady will be staying with us."

"Yes sir."

I went to the kitchen and made dinner. I felt bad for all the women who came over. It wasn't right. So I decided to slip a few sleep pills in my dads drink.

"Here dad."


'My hearing must be off. Dad never says thank you. Not unless....' Oh no. Now I really have to save this young woman. I was heading up to my room but my dad stopped me.

"Vincent. Where are you going? Stay and get to know Venelope. I'm pretty sure she would like to meet and get to know you too."

My dad was being too nice. Usually it was bringing some girl home. Fuck her for a few days then throw her out.

I took my seat from across them and hate my food, eyeing my dad warily.

"So. Vincent this is Venelope. Venelope this is my son Vincent."

"Hi! How ya do?"

"Ummm good I guess."

"Wait. Aren't you that same boy who told me about Carlos last week?"

(A/n: the dad's name is going to be Carlos. If your name is Carlos, you can change it. I don't want you feeling offended. )

I then remembered. Last week, I was at the club my dad dropped me off at and I met Venelope.

"Oh yeah. Now I remember. It's nice to see you again."

"Oh. So you brought this lovely young lady to me, eh?"

"I mean I guess."

We spent the rest of the evening talking until my dad suddenly went to sleep. I then remembered the pills I slipped in. I only put two in, but seeing as that he was tough, it would last for only thirty minutes.

Then Venelope got awfully close to me and started talking about some random shiz.

"Hey a listen, it's late. I'll show you to your room. If you'll follow me please."

I lead her to her room and then seconds afterwards, she tried to get it on with me. I refused, but she wouldn't budge. Unfortunately, my dad came up after his 'nap' and saw us together.

My dad was very pissed. He dragged me off into the basement and locked me in chains and went back upstairs.
Then I heard screaming three minutes later. I heard foot steps getting closer to the basement. My dad then sauntered in.

"Now for your punishment. I wont kill you because you're valuable to me."

Not long after he said that, we heard sirens. My dad cursed then swiftly kicked me in the face only to be caught by my hand.

How I got out you wonder? People don't call me Springtrap for nothing.

I pulled my dad's leg downwards causing him to fall foward into the wall. I then threw him to the other side of the room by the stairs.

I then heard the front door burst open. I took it as a signal to hurry up there.

I was only three steps up the stairs before I was dragged down by my dad. I had plan two ready though.

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