Chapter Sixteen

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Springtrap was quickly rushed to the hospital. The doctors and nurses rushed him into a surgery room to work on his head. The same doctor who took care of Springtrap, came out to speak with Goldie, Bonnie, Clyde, and the others.

"I'm going to be blunt about this. Bad news is that he is suffering from a head injury. Or should I say, concussion. Good news is that he'll recover."

They all had a look between fear and relief. The doctor's facial expression said so otherwise.

"Did Springtrap engage in rough housing of some sorts? Like fighting?" 

Bonnie looked between his mom and Clyde before saying, "He got in a fight with our dad trying to protect us, in which he succeeded." 

The doctor shook his head, disappointed. "He was told not to participate in any activity that'll make his injury worse. That includes fighting."

Goldie, the ever so curious golden bear, asked, "What happened to Springtrap that he isn't allowed to do anything competitive?" 

"He got into a fight with Zack that had caused some.......complications and landed him in the hospital," Chica said. 

Goldie nodded his head in understanding. Although, he wasn't focused because his brain was yelling at him and panicking. Whatever shall he do?

"Could we see him?" Clyde asked.

"Of course, but three people at a time."

Mrs. Briares allowed Bonnie, Clyde, and Goldie to go see Springtrap first. They entered the room quietly seeing as he was fast asleep.When the door closed, the supposedly asleep Springtrap opened his eyes.

"Hey guys," he said weakly.

Tears ran down Clyde's face when he heard Springtrap's voice. He rushed to his brother's side and engulfed him in a hug all the while being careful of his injuries.

Goldie and Bonnie joined in on the hug, too. No one moved or broke the hugñ wanting it to last forever. But a last, all good things must come to an end.

"I wish someone would come in here and take a picture of this sweet moment, " Springtrap joked a little although being serious at the same time.

They all hugged one time, Springtrap secretly stealing a kiss from Goldie, before exiting the room so the others could see him too.

Everyone but Freddy, Goldie, and Clyde went home. Bonnie wanted to stay for visiting hrs, but decided to let his lil bro hog up time with Springtrap and go with mom to accompany her so she's not lonely.

"Wake me up when it's time to," Freddy said tiredly to his brother. With that, he walked over to a chair in the and sat and fell alseep. Goldie rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Springtrap.

Clyde asked, ever so innocently,  "How long till you can leave thy hospital?"

Springtrap shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hopefully soon."

He sat up in the bed and grabbed Goldie and Clyde's hands and savored the feeling.

"Clyde, mind singing for me?"

Clyde looked at his brother with incredulous eyes.

"Are you sure? My singing sucks and I rather just play my guitar and-"

"Do you have your guitar right now?"

Clyde looked at the floor and ever so quietly said, "No."

"Then you will sing for me. I've always liked your singing and nothing will change that."


Clyde took a deep breath before he started ro sing. He sang the only song he knew would put his brother at ease and make him fall asleep. It was Demons by Imagine Dragons (I'm still in love with this song XD).

Half way through it, Springtrap fell asleep. Clyde smiled then turned to Goldie.

"He'll be asleep for about five minutes since I didn't finish the song. I'll leave the room and taje Freddy with me to give you two some alone time."

"Thanks. Nice singing by the way. I don't know why you hate your voice."

Clyde blushed a little and hurried out the door, dragging a very irritable Freddy behind him.

A small smile graced his before turning back to Springtrap. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.


Sorry haven't up dated in a while. High school can be very bother some. I'm also sorry if this chapter is short. I might not make a sequel for I am slowly loosing interest in the 5NAF fandom. The Walking Dead has taken up most of my attention. So yeah. I'm sorry again. And thank you all for your patience.

(P.S. VictoriatheSweet is making a Creepypasta eole play story. If you want to be part of it, go ahead and send your oc or the be the creepypasta character you want to be.)

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