Chapter Seventeen

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Goldie was lost in thought thinking about all the different scenarios that could happen. He tried not to let his mind wander too much, but that didn't work out.

Springtrap had long since been awake, and noticed Goldie was off in space. Being the evil devil he is, decided to play with him.

He leaned in close to his ear and whispered qyite seductively, "You hungry for me because you just starin' at me."

That brought Goldie back to reality and took him a few moments to process what Springtrap said before hus face turned redder than a tomatoe.

Springtrap burst out laughing and tried to stop himself, but couldn't. Goldie huffed and crossed his arms, turning away.

"W-wait *laughs* Goldie. I *laughs* d-didn't mean it."

Springtrap continued to laugh, whilst Goldie still faced away from him. Springtrap's laughter reduced to quiet "manly" giggles while turning Goldie around and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

Goldie kissed him back but soon broke it off.

"Don't do that again or next time I won't be so forgiving."

Springtrap rolled his eyes, still smiling that smile he ever only let his friends, family, and loved one see.

"Whatever. You could never stay mad at me forever."

It was Goldie's turn to roll his eyes.

"Yeah keep saying that."

Goldie and Springtrap talked for a little while before visiting hrs were over and Goldie had to leave.

Springtrap stared out the window at the darkening skies. His mood shifted as the day had. His heart twisted by hatred and evil.

'No one shall hurt my friends and family again. Or they shall die.'

Springtrap's evil, sadistic grin had returned to his face again. It's been years since he'd ever felt like that.


I'm going to make one more chapter for this story and naybe do a sequel. But anyway, hoped yall enjoyed.

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