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Crystal Reed plays Nellie in this btw!

--Nellie's POV--

I sat there in my room watching my brother Stefan chase Katherine around the backyard.

He finally caught her and she kissed him, passionately.

He pulled away and smiled at her and ran away yelling "You'll never catch me Katherine!"

We used to do that minus the kissing. Except that was 4 years ago.

My older brothers Stefan and Damon started ignoring me after I brought a boy home from school.

They haven't even spared me a glance for 4 years.

It breaks my heart that they would ignore me over a boy.

I got up from my window seat and walked to my dresser.

I stripped from my night gown and put on my navy blue summer dress.

I called for my maid to come and put my hair in a bun.

After she was done I hugged her and thanked her, and then left my room.

I walked downstairs and slipped on my gladiator sandals.

As I was putting my right one on I heard my brother Damon yell my name. "NELLIE!"

I smiled that he had acknowledged my exsistence after 4 years but once I saw his face as red as a tomato that smile quickly disappeared.

"Yes, Damon?" I said quietly.

"Why would you go in Katherine's room and mess with her stuff?" He said getting even more mad by the minute.

"I-i didn't." I stammered.

"You know what. I'm sick of you. Get out of my sight. NOW!" He yelled.

I ran out the door crying and kept running and running.

After 5 minutes I was lost.

My father and Maid are the only one's that cared for me, they would come looking when it got close to night.

I sat down and leaned against a tree and sighed.

What did I do to deserve this life?


Here's the prologue!!!

Once this gets 5 likes and 1 comment I will post the 1st chapter!!!!

I'll see you guys then!

P.S. still taking requests to be in book!!!


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