Chapter 6 ~Death and Destruction~

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If you guys want to find her outfit look for it on my Polyvore account!


*If it ends in the middle of the chapter replay it.

•Nellie's POV•
As I walked into the Salvatore Boarding House I heard people whispering. I quietly sped over to the entrance of the living room and hid behind the wall.

"Damon please listen to me!" Tyler whisper/yelled.

"Tyler there's nothing to listen to! You are not going to date my sister!" Damon whisper/yelled back.
Tyler scoffed and walked out of the living room thankfully not seeing me.

After he slammed the door I walked out of the shadows, "What was that about brother?" I asked Damon. He looked up at me surprised.

"Nothing, at least nothing you need to know about." He said smiling at me. I nodded and then walked up to my room. As I walked in I noticed a big box sitting on my bed with a note on top.

I walked over and opened the note

My dearest Nellie, I was hoping to ask you this at my house earlier but my brother Kol interrupted us. I wanted you to be my date to our Ball, if you would like to put on this dress and come to my house at 6.

                 ~Niklaus Mikealson

Ooo, what does the dress look like? I smiled wide as I opened the box and there laid a beautiful Grey and white dress that was poofy... My favorite.

I picked it up out of the box and laid it on my bed. I then walked to my closet to choose heels to go with it and found a matte glitter grey pair that looked perfect.

I looked at the time and saw it was 4, better start getting ready.

*After she gets ready! Btw her look that she's styling rn is at the top!*

As 6 o'clock rolled around a carriage arrived at my house with a letter.

   If you have chosen to come ride the carriage to my house. If you wish not to come tell them they have the wrong house (Roy is compelled). I wish to see you there love.
                ~Niklaus Mikealson

I smiled and got on the carriage and Roy started leaving my house. It took us about 15 minutes to get to Niklaus' house and the Ball was already in full swing when I pulled up.

There was a beautiful lady standing at the front door greeting people. I walked up the steps and stopped at the door because I had to be invited in.

"Hello, my name is Esther. Come on in and join the party!" She said to me as I walked in. There was classical music playing and the Original family was scattered about but I couldn't find Niklaus.

🎶All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around my waist and a voice spoke "Glad you came love" as Klaus kissed my neck. I chuckled and turned around, then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Wouldn't miss it." I said seductively. He chuckled and pecked my lips. I then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor where couples were having special moments while dancing.

I then put my arms around Klaus' neck and he put his hands on my waist as we swayed to the music. I laid my head on his chest and he set his head on top of mine and I listened to his heartbeat.

*Even though they are both dead they are hybrids which makes them have a heartbeat in this.*

All of a sudden the music stopped and Klaus walked me to, and up the staircase and stopped right next to his family.

"We wanted to welcome you to our moving in party so we could get to know the town." Esther spoke.

"I hope you can welcome us with happy spirits and we shall do the same." Elijah spoke.

"Continue having fun!" Klaus yelled and everyone cheered, except for certain people; as in my "family".

•Tyler's POV•
(Weren't expecting that were you?)

As I watched Nellie dance with Klaus it angered me. That should be me with her not that Douche Bag.

I looked out the window and saw it was a full moon, I need to be in control. I walked over to a random girl who looked lonely and asked her if she wanted to dance, she nodded while smiling at me.

I pulled her out to the dance floor and we were dancing perfectly until I heard Nellie scream. I looked around frantically until I smelled blood. I ran out side and saw her with a stake in her heart and coughing up blood.

I ran to her and laid her down while pulling the stake out of her heart. She started choking on her blood. I started screaming and sobbing, The Mikealson's and our 'Family' came out and saw the sight in front of us.

Klaus and Elijah ran to me with tears rolling down their cheeks while Damon and Stefan turned around and walked back inside.

She looked at Klaus and smiled through her pain as her body turned grey and veiny. He leaned down and kissed her lips while she let out her last breath she laid there lifeless.

I started sobbing more and had to get away. I gently laid her body down and ran to the woods where I heard a heart beating. I can't control myself in this state.

I started running and saw a black figure about 100 feet away from me. I started running at it and then I can't remember anything after that.

^^^ Morning^^^

*Damon's POV*
As I woke up I totally forgot about how my little sister is dead. She died and I walked away. They won't let me see the body... I've tried seeing her.

I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and went to the cellar, where we had her body. I need to see her.

I looked around and no one was guarding the room so I decided to go in. I walk in to see my baby sister in a tank top, sport shorts, and tennis shoes up and walking.

She looks up at me and smiles as she vampire speeds out of the room. I look back and she's on the floor in a nightgown blood seeping through the chest area, lifeless. I blink and I see a coffin in the corner, it's actually her.

I start tearing up and walk towards it.
A tear slips as I open the coffin, there lays my REAL baby sister. She's dressed in a  navy blue flowy summer dress and gladiator sandals.

Her hair was curled and parts were pinned back. She looked beautiful. I started sobbing and slid down the wall.
I threw my bourbon at the other wall across from me and screamed.

I stood up and punched the wall, thinking it would help. It didn't. I looked at my baby sisters body once more before I picked her up and brought her to my car.

I got in and drove away, New Orleans here I come.

I honestly love this chapter.
Idk why.
But I might post a blank chapter with her dress after this.

QOTD: Who should Nellie date?

AOTD: I personally like her and Klaus or her and Elijah.

But anyways I'll see you in the next chapter.


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