Chapter 1 ~Life Changes~

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--Nellie's POV--

As I was sitting against the tree I heard people calling my name.


I then heard running coming towards me.

"Oh my goodness. There you are!" Eden said.

(p.s. Eden is the maid)

I started back away from her.

"Nellie, everyone's worried sick about you come on, I'll take you home." Eden said as she reached out her hand for me to take.

I grabbed her hand and stood up and walked back home with her.

As soon as I stepped in the front door I was bombarded with questions from my father.

"What happened?"

"Where were you?"

"Why did you leave"

"Why are you dirty?"

and many more.

"Father." Didn't stop asking questions.

"Father..." Didn't stop.

"FATHER!" Stopped.

He looked at me shockingly.

"I was getting ready to go outside when Damon started yelling at me because I supposedly went into Miss. Katherine's room and messed with her stuff. He told me he was sick of me and to get out of his sight. So I ran out the door crying and didn't stop. Eventually I stopped and was lost." I told my father.

"What in the world is wrong with Damon and Stefan lately?" Father said and shook his head.

"Father, they've been this way for 4 years." I told him with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Don't worry my little Nellie. I'll figure this out." Father said as he hugged me and wiped away my tear.

"I love you father." I spoke softly and hugged him tighter then let go and went to talk to Katherine.

-Katherine's POV-

I was picking out my night gown for tonight when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled.

I heard the door open and close.

"Katherine." Nellie spoke.

"Nellie." I said back sternly. "What have you come to see me for?"

"I was wondering if you could help me figure out why my brothers hate me so much..." Nellie led off.

"Now why would I do that?" I asked while smirking and turning around.

"Because it's the least you could do. We let you live here and I'm letting you have sex with both my brothers AT THE SAME TIME!" Nellie started to get louder.

"Okay, come here Nellie." I said.

What she doesn't know is once she stepped foot in this room, she wasn't going out alive.

She walked to me and I used vampire speed to bite my wrist and stick my wrist in her mouth.

I wrapped my other arm around her neck and twisted.




Yay!! the first chapter!!!!!!

Next chapter will be in current time with Elena and those characters.

See you then!!!

P.S. Still taking requests to be in book!!!


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